The Beginning

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“Dammit Chresanto! I’m really getting sick of dealing with shit." Angela yelled from frustration, curled up in the corner of the couch.

“Angie what are hell you complaining about this time? I mean seriously are you on your period or something?" Chresanto rolled his eyes. This had been their third argument this week.

“You know damn well, what I’m talking about. Stop playing dumb. Why were you texting Janelle at 12:52 in the fucking night?"

Janelle Elease Romero. Chresanto’s high school sweetheart and the mother of Chresanto’s 16 year old daughter, Cole August. She was also the #1 bitch on Angela’s hit list. Every since Chresanto and Angela got together, Janelle been trying break though two apart. When Chres and Angela first got together, Angela wrote it of as “jealous baby mama syndrome.", but 2 years after marriage. It’s becoming ridiculous.

“This shit again." Chresanto mumbled,

“If you must know. Janelle was just informing me that Cole had snuck out again last night. As her father it’s my right to know these things." Chresanto slyly remarked. He swore Angela could so fucking paranoid sometimes.

“Oh so Cole sneaking out, for I don’t the 5th time this month, was so important Janelle had to call you at that very moment." Angela rebutted, she refused to let Chresanto off so easy.

“I don’t know, dammit maybe it was that important to her to worry about our daughter’s safety! But guess I should’ve never expected you to care for Cole. You never do."

Chresanto muttered the last part. But it was audible enough for Angela to hear. Before Angela could stop it she felt a tear sting her eyes.

“That’s bullshit and you know Chresanto. I love Cole, just as if was my own daughter." Angela narrowed her eyes, she couldn’t believe Chresanto would assume such a vile thing.

“Oh yeah, than why don’t you take her shopping like you used to? Why were you so against going to her 14th and 15th and even her sweet 16 birthday party?" Chresanto glared back at her, he love Angela with all his heart. But he’d be damned if she came between him and his daughter.

“Because she HATES ME CHRESANTO!" Angela yelled, flying from her position on the couch, so she would be standing chest to chest with Chresanto.

“Really Angela?" Chresanto ask sarcastically. How dare Angela define her claim her negligence of affection towards Cole, is because Cole’s hates her.

“Really Chresanto! She doesn’t talk to me anymore. Every time I ask her to do something, even if it’s something simple like turn off the lights, she pops off with an attitude. She doesn’t even address me by Angie anymore, just her or you."

“She’s a teenager Angie, what do expect. Shoot, she give me and Janelle a hard time too. What makes you any different?" Chresanto asked.

“The different between her hate for you two and me, is yours is from teenage rebellion. She hates me because she thinks I took you away from her and the chance of having a normal family!"

“Oh come Angie, you know that’s not true! She’s freaking loves, I remember when she use to always ask about you whenever I went to pick her up. She worships you." Chresanto pressed, Angela rolled her eyes.

“Really, and how long ago was the last time she mention a thing about me on rides picking her up?"

“Umm I don’t know. But that’s not the point!" Chresanto answered, Angela face displayed something of an sarcastic matter.

“Than what is the point Mr. Chresanto August?"

“Look Ange, I don’t really wanna fight about this again. I already late picking up Cole, dealing with you and your foolish." Chresanto sighed, in frustration. Making his way towards to the door.

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