I Guess It's Over

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“Soo you saying he ain’t come home the last 2 nights?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying Trina.” Expressed a frustrated Angela, to her overly-dramatic best friend.

It’s been 2 days since Angela heard or seen Chresanto, since the little incident at the counseling session. Angela wanted to believe that been at the hospital all day with Cole, but when she went to check up on Cole he was never there, She wanted to hope that maybe he was staying with Ray, or even at a hotel, but more she put her hope in these false things, the brighter the truth got. He was with Janelle.

“You know, he with that bitch right. Shit, they could be making a Chresanto Jr. right now” Trina stated bluntly, causing Angela to flinch a little bit from Trina’s harsh choice of words.

“I know.” Angela whimpered.

“If you know, than why are you still sitting here on the phone crying like a little bitch. Dammit Ange, what happen to the old you. The no nonsense, no bullshit Angela. The one quick to cut any bitches head off if she felt a drip of disrespect. Ever since you been with Chres, you’ve changed.”

“How so?” Angela asked, confused.

Trina shook her head at her best friend’s naiveness. Had Angela really not notice the change in her, had she not seen how quickly she quit her dream job, to help Chresato raise Cole for a year, when Janelle decided she decided she needed a break from being a mom. How she would constantly cancel plans with Trina, plans which made weeks in advance, to watch Cole when Chresanto had to work late or wanted to hang out with his boys. She was once so head strong and focused, but now it’s seems she had but her life on hold for Chresanto.

“Ughh Angela you’re make this hard. Well, you use to be focused, head strong, and independent women. But now look at you, a sobbing doormat.”

“Trina you just don’t unders-”

“DON’T TELL ME WHAT I UNDERSTAND! I understand that ever since you been with Chresanto, you’ve been his yes man instead of his wife. I also understand why Chresanto got upset about you confronting him about the time he spent with Janelle, it was first you actually stood against him. The first time you wanted him to sacrifice the amount time spent he spent with Janelle, his ex girlfriend and he couldn’t give you that. I love you Angela I do, but don’t call me until you get your backbone back.”

The next thing Angela heard with the dial tone. Angela eyes widen in realization at that every word utter from Trina’s lips was true. Angela had lost herself. She knew exactly what she needed to do get her back.

“Glad you could make it.” Angela said as she watch a irritated Chresanto burst through the door.

“I just came to get some more clothes.” Chresanto grunted, walking towards the bedroom.

“What she didn’t have any of your old ones to wear.” Angela shoot with so much venom, that it sent a chill running down Chresanto’s spine. He never heard Angela so angry before.

“Angela I-” Chresanto began to stuttered.

“You’re what Chres! Sorry? Huh, is that what you are?”

Chresanto saw the hot tears running down Angela red cheeks. In her voice he heard fury, in her face he saw frustration, and in her eyes, those beautiful fierce brown eyes, he saw pain. Pain that he caused, blinded by his own pain. He just wanted someone to blame for the condition of his daughter, to bad for him he mistakenly chose Angela as his target.

“You know what Chresanto, a close friend made me realize something I should known from the beginning. And that is that you’re fucking selfish! Have you every once thank me for all the things I had to sacrifice for you. My job, my career, my friends, my life, I even went on the pill cause said you didn’t want anymore kids till after Cole graduated! I sacrifice that all for you because that’s what you’re suppose to do in a marriage. YOU SACRIFICE! And one time I ask you sacrifice the amount of time you spent with your baby mama, you couldn’t even do that for me. YOUR WIFE! But you know what thanks Chresanto,”

“For what?” Chresanto ask timidly, tears building up in his own eyes but he refuse to let them drop. This was first time in weeks, that Chresanto was on the weaker hand of the argument.

“For making me realize that you right about one thing, maybe we should get a divorce. But why wait on whether Cole pulls through or not. Lets get it over with right now.”

With that being said, Angela threw the divorce papers in Chresanto face. He stood there like a dumb deer caught in headlights. His only child was possibly on her death bed, and now the love of his life was divorcing him. The two of the most important women in his life, besides his mother, could possibly be out his life for good. And it’s all his fault.

Out the blue Chresanto’s phone started to vibrate. Saved by the buzzing, he thought as he pulled out his pocket. Angela crossed her arms and rolled her eyes trying to be annoyed. But there was layer of worry behind her annoyed facade because last time they were arguing and he got a phone call, it was about Cole’s accident. What if now the news was worst.

“Hello?” Chresanto said in a serious tone.

What seemed like hours of minor chatter, Chresanto freely let silent tears fall down his face. Angela knew it had to been something extreme, because Chresanto almost never cries. Angela heart ache, had it been the news they had been hoping to avoid for so long.

“Okay, thanks Doc. See you ain’t the hospital.” Chresanto said lowly. Angela walked forward and place her hand his shoulder, no matter how much she made detest Chresanto right now, she still cared.

“Chresanto-” Angela whispered.

“SHE’S AWAKE! SHE’S AWAKE BABE, MY BABY GIRL IS ALIVE!” Chresanto exclaimed excitingly, pulling Angela a air-gripping hug.

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