Detesting Truth

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Cole awoke with a massive migraine. Her fell wide as she realized her surroundings. A hospital. She scratched her head in confusion, what happened? But as if lighting struck, in her mind recalled all past events up to her current state. A look of grimace came amongst her face. A sudden hate and anger boiled in her stomach, as she thought about her.

The nurse came in, her eyes widen as she ran back out as quick as she came in. Cole assumed to informed the doctor. But when 30 minutes past and her parents and Angela came bursting in with tears of joy rolling down their faces. Chresanto pulled Cole into a giant bear hug, despite her backaches Cole deepen the hug. She missed her father warmth.

Next was her mother. Janelle pulled Cole into a tight hug, quickly placed a kisses all over her forehead. Much to Cole’s protest. Finally Angela timidly made her way to Cole and placed a small kiss on Cole’s forehead. Than slowly backed away.

"Why is you here?" Cole spat with venom.

"Oh I’m sorry. I guess I’ll just leave." Angela said as she began backing toward the door.

"No not you, her." Cole said pointing to her mother. Angela and Chresanto looked a Cole then at Janelle with shocked eyes.

"Cole sweetie-" Janelle tried pleading.

"Don’t sweetie me. What you didn’t tell Dad the truth? You didn’t tell him how you were bitching about Dad, not picking me up on time, how you wanted alone time. How sick you were seeing my face “all the damn time". How I tried to protest to that something with wrong with the brakes on my car and offer that you let me borrow yours since you wanted me gone so bad. But told me hell no, and told me that “Either your ungrateful ass take yo car or you can walk 30 miles over there". So right I’d appreciate it if you just left right now." Cole demanded, as she pointed to the door. Janelle, to embarrass for words, hung her head down and left out the room, silent tears falling from her face.

Chresanto balled his fist with anger. He wanted to track down Janelle and yell at her about being selfish, how she was reason his daughter was in a accident, about her lying to him, and about her ruining his marriage. But he knew the last one, was completely on him. As bad he wanted to track down Janelle, his priorities was with his daughter and wife, if can still call her that.

"Angela can you come here?" Cole asked timidly. Angela, offered a small smile, and walked over to Cole.

What happened next took Angela by surprise. Cole pulled Angela into a tight embrace and began sobbing,

"Angela I’m so so sorry, for the way I’ve been treating you the best years. It’s just the year you took take care of me, you were the best mommy any child could have. But when you let Janelle take me away from you, I thought you didn’t want me anymore." Cole paused letting a couple of tears fall before she'd continued.

"So you made Dad give me back. All these years I hated you for it, I held in so long, to the point I couldn’t anymore. I’m so so sorry. I just wanted to stay with you, I don’t care what anyone says you are my mother. Do you want to be my mommy again?" Cole asked her voice so timid, that Angela couldn’t help but picture the 4 year Cole with the missing front teeth asking her this"

"Of course I’ll be your mommy. I helped raised you didn’t I?" Angela smiled, wiping away her own tears.

"Good, so does this mean I can move in with you two?" Cole eyes gleamed in excitement.

"Umm sweetie." Chresanto interjected. He was trying his best to break the news easy on her, but truthfully he could hardly wrap his mind around it hisself.

"Ummm what?" Cole asked, confused.

"Me and your father are getting a divorce." Angela spoke up.

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