Chapter Four

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"Poke her cheek and see if she moves again Harry." Louis's soft laugh echoed in my ear. I groaned, raising my hand to smack whoeveer was near but then two pair of feet were thumping away, the sound fading.

"She snores like a grizzly bear Lou, that's so weird because she's so sweet and cute." He was basically giggling. Louis was no better, trying to hold in his laughs but failing. Then there was another pair of shoes, striding down the hallway.

"What are you two doing in here? Didn't I say no guys allowed?" Liam snapped at the boys.

Harry groaned. "Liam, we're bored."

"Yeah and you always tell us to lay low while we're back home so why not?" Louis chirped.

"Because you both know Zayn would have a f-"

"What're you doing in here?" Niall said suddenly, and I poppeed one eye open. "Morning!" I smiled brightly. Liam looked at him then back at me. "Oh, I see now."

"You woke up faster than usual." Harry smirked in Niall's direction but it was clear he was talking to me. Niall chuckled, rubbing his eyes. His shirt lifted slightly to reveal his happy trail which of course made my cheeks tint pink.

"Why are all of you in here? No boys in Callie's room!" Zayn had appeared out of nowhere and was leaning against the doorframe. The boys scurried out except Niall who was now sitting on the end of my bed. Harry and Louis looked at me with wide eyes and Liam looked conflicted.

Zayn's eyes narrowed at Niall. "Can we have a minute?" He asked him.

Niall shot me a glance then walked out wordlessly. Zayn raised an eyebrow at me to which I frowned.

"What? What did I do?" I yawned, standing and making my way to my bathroom to wash my face. Zayn followed of course, rolling his eyes.

"What was everyone doing in here? It's eight thirty, isn't that earlier than what you're used to?" He narrowed his eyes accusingly.

I chuckle, glancing at him while turning on the water. "Zayn, if you're going to be subtle about asking about Niall, might as well be blunt."

"Well you know what I mean." He jaw locked. "So, do I really have to deal with this whole you and him thing all the time? Because I think I need to set some ground rules-"

I splashed him with water, my eyes wide. "Could you be any louder? Jesus Christ, zayn." I groaned and looked back at the mirror as he fell silent, just watching. Creepy much?

"Look, Callie, I know how guys can be and Niall is an amazing guy, but are you ready for all the fan girl hate and papa following you around for even more reasons?" He looked at me while saying this. "I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, if he makes you happy then I'm happy, but I don't want you to risk your last bit of personal space in public over Niall."

Liam knocked on the door while I tried to come up with a response. "Hey, Harry is making pancakes and Louis and I are going to get more fruit. Want anything?" He called.

"Apple juice!" I shouted back. Zayn said he was fine and then Liam's footsteps became more distant as he headed down the stairs. He turned off the water and looked at me again.

"Callie, think about it okay? And think about Simon too. He's your custody figure for the remaining year until you go off to Uni." His voice had gone gentle, like he knew his words had affected me and now he wanted to ease his way towards being a good guy.

I shook my head. "And what about what I want, Zayn?" I glared and moved past him, out the bedroom and down the stairs.

Luckily he didn't follow and he shouldn't, this whole downer mood was killing me and the day hasn't even started. The kitchen was empty, except for the sizzling sound of sausage and bacon cooking in a skillet while a bowl of pancake mix was beside the stove on the counter. But seconds later, Harry reappeared wearing a dark blue 'Kiss Styles the cook!' apron.

He looked at me curiously. "Everything okay with Zayn?" He asked, more carefully than necessary. I shrugged and sat at the bar. He sighed. "Calliebear, he's just looking out for you. I think we can all see the way you two feel about each other, but whatever you do, both of you, it affects us as well."

"Harry, not right now, please." I said quietly just as Niall came down now fully dressed. Harry looked over at Niall with pursed lips then turned back to the stove.

The silence went on for almost twelve seconds then Niall spoke up. "Harry, we'll be back by noon." He looked at me. "Come on, I'm taking you out for breakfast." He smiled, showing off his braces.

Harry twisted around. "Woah, Simon said-"

"I know, I spoke with him Haz. It's fine." He chuckled. Somehow he seemed to be the only one okay with this whole situation. Harry raised an eyebrow, watching me.


"That would be great, thanks Niall." I felt myself flushing as I stood up and kissed Harry's cheek. "Be back later, check on Zayn for me."

Harry sighed but nodded. "Will do. Be safe and call if you need anything." He said but I was already running up the stairs back to my room.

Zayn's door was closed and Liam and Louis were still gone so I didn't worry about it anymore. I brushed my teeth and left my hair in loose curls then put on a skirt with a long sleeve top. After adding a little make up and mascara, I walked down the stairs. Niall and Zayn were laying on the couch when they saw me.

Niall grinned as he got up. "You look great." He said, walking over. Zayn gave a half smile then looked at the tv.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2016 ⏰

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