Chapter One

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This is the normal point of view, Callie's. That's all for now, please enjoy. x









For the past maybe twelve hours I've been here, in the same room as I had been when I called Uncle Simon to come get me, waiting for him to arrive. He texted me not to long ago saying his plane was landing soon which meant he would be here soon and we could leave this place....soon. I want to stay but I know I can't. This place holds too many memories for me, now that another person that's so close to my heart is gone. Sure I'm leaving friends behind but I wasn't exactly close to them. There is only one girl I'm sad to be leaving behind, Kylee.

 Kylee Blue, has been my friend through everything, including the hate I receive along with the cruel looks and nasty words from every other girl who's jealous that I'm Simon Cowell's neice and know One Direction. And I've only met them like twice! In my opinion that's hardly a reason to hate someone.. I mean I was born into his bloodline. Does it matter if we're related?

My phone goes off, indicating a text from Uncle Si. I yawned, my legs crack as I stretch and move around on the chair I'm sitting in. It's three in the morning and I hadn't fallen asleep not once. I honestly was afraid to close my eyes even for a second in case they tried to move me from Memorial to take me away. But Uncle Si is on his way, so I won't dare close my eyes until I know he's here.

Almost there Callie just sit tight a little whole longer. Getting off the plane now so give me ten minutes.

- Uncle Simon


I sighed in relief, a smile slipping itself onto my face for the first time since.. You know. Sure I'm seventeen and I shouldn't act like a baby but what do you expect? My grandmother basically raised me. My parents passed away when I was three, well my mother did. I was told my father passed but his body was never found. He was in the army.

Without thinking, as I stare ahead at the wall in front of me, somehow my fingers that were tapping against my phone screen turn on my iPod. A One Direction song turned on, and I found myself humming along.

I'm broken, can you hear me?

I'm blinded, cause you are everything I see..

I'm dancing, alone

I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around

And as I walk up to your door,

my head turns to face the floor

cause I can't look you in the eyes and say..

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