Chapter Three.

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A little closer... x


"What the hell made you choose Nandos for breakfast?" Harry sighed. Liam and I shared an annoyed look, both glaring at Niall. He simply shrugged and walked ahead of us into the resturant. Harry chuckled, ruffling his hair and then laughed at something Louis had said. Zayn had been quiet this whole entire time. Liam touched my shoulder, cocking his head over to the side where Zayn was in the back sulking then ran to catch up with the others.

I sigh. "Alright what's wrong Zayn?"

He looks at me then shrugs. "Nothing. I mean it's got nothing to do with the fact that you and Niall have little crushes on each other and Louis wants to suggest you stay over? Absolutely not."

I can't help but crack a smile at his protectiveness towards me, I missed it. I find myself hugging him. "Zayn your the bestest best friend I've ever had. Otherwise Kylee. But you don't need to worry about the crush thing."

"Really? Why don't I believe you then?" he muses.

"Because you don't want too?" I question innocently.

He laughs and puts his arm around me. "I know you still do Callie. It's pretty obvious."

"Well he doesn't feel the same so let it pass." I mumble.

He stops to stare at me. "You honestly believe he doesn't feel the same?"

"H- He doesn't though right?" I stutter nervously. Zayn just continues to stare at me then he cracks a smile until he's full on laughing. "Way to be mature about it Zayn." I mutter and walk past him into the restaurant. I look around and spot all the guys looking at me when I make my way over.

"What's up with you and Zayn?" Louis wiggles his eyebrows.

"Nothing. Zayn is just having a random laughing fit so I figured I would walk away while I still could."

Harry smirks. "What were you two talking about?"

"Uh -

"Don't tell us. Is it about a boy?" Louis gasps. "Holy crap it is! Did he cheat on you or something? I sware to God I will -

"Louis. Nobody got cheated on." I giggle. "I haven't had a boyfriend since ninth grade."

Harry bursts out laughing then stops once he sees my face. "Wait you were serious? Oh. My bad."

"You're kidding." Niall blinks a couple times. "But you're.. How -

"Don't hurt yourself trying to give Callie compliments Nialler." Louis pipes. Liam smirks, looking over at Niall then me. Niall's cheeks tint, he grabs a random menu and begins to look through it. I do the same and the rest of the boys are quick to follow until Zayn finally walks in to join us. He takes a seat across from Louis, trying to hide his grin.

I roll my eyes, Louis shoots me a confused look. "Don't ask." I mutter.

His eyebrows raise in question, "Zayn, what's got you laughing so hard?"

"No." Zayn wheezes while shaking with silent laughter. "I- Holy crap, my stomach." he starts laughing again. I groan, sliding down further into my seat so no one can see my red face.

Eventually we all order and enjoy lunch. Louis and Harry both order spicy chicken soup, but Harry gets a side of tacos of course. Liam orders a healthy Caesar Salad and a bowl of pasta, Zayn gets some Arabic spicy veggetables with a small slice of pumpkin pie, Niall orders this huge spicy chicken flame broiled thing with rice and I just get some Thai beef and broccoli with a side of mac and cheese.

Pretty weird combinations we have..

After we finish we all head back to the boys' flat and end up watching movies on Netflix. Liam looks down at his watch and immediately gets up. "Er.. Callie has to be back soon. It's almost six in the evening boys."

They all groan in response, except Niall who chose to lay on the couch next to me with his arm draped over the back behind my head. He was calm as could be. "I'll take her if you guys don't want to miss the rest of the movie." he suggests.

"Yeah, because you weren't watching it anyway." Zayn murmurs dryly.

"Zayn." I warn.

"It's okay Callie. I'm sure Zayn is just mad that we all get to cuddle with you but he can't cause Perrie isn't here." he grins at him. Zayn chuckles then his smile drops.

"That wasn't funny."

"Now Zaynie, don't lie. You just laughed a second ago -

"Louis let it go." Harry laughs at the older lad.

"I don't have a problem with it, I just dont want Simon to -

"No. I'll take her." Zayn starts to get up.

"Zayn, sit down." Harry laughs. "Niall's got her."

Zayn looks at us both for a long time then his eyes darken at Niall's arm behind me. "Fine." he grumbles.

"Man, what's got you so...jelly?" Louis looks at him with surprise. When he doesn't answer the whole room goes silent except for Harry munching popcorn loudly. Liam opens his mouth to say something when his phone goes off.

"Payne speaking. Oh hey Simon." He glances at all of us. "Yes Callie is right here. Oh really? Are you sure? Okay, see you then." he frowns as he hangs up the phone sliding it back in his pocket.

"What did he say?"

Liam clears his throat. "Callie is staying with us for a few days."


"What? Where is she sleeing? And with who? She's not taking the couch."

"Zayn she can have the spare room and no one is to be near it during the night alright?" Liam stares at the boys and they all nod. They look calm, even Niall but I on the other hand are ready to crawl into a hole and die.

"Are you alright?" Niall frowns at me.

"Oh yeah, of course." I chuckle nervously waving my hand in the air. "I just uh, don't have pjs with me. Or a tooth brush or my facial mask stuff or -

"Oh you can borrow mine."

Everyone turns to stare at Zayn. He shrugs. Liam claps his hands, "Well then, let's fix up the room for her yeah? We can try and pick up some clothes for her tomorrow morning."

"Hey Liam?" HArry asks.


"Does this mean I can't sneak into Callie's room for -


Louis smirks. "Call me a liar but I think there's a few love triangles going on in here."

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