Remember Me - A Niall Horan Fan Fiction.

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A/N : The story won't be in Simon's point of view the whole time, just this once and maybe a few times into the story and at the end.

Prologue ~

 "Martha?" I asked my assistant, she looked up from her desk to me with a slight nod. "Could you reschedule that Talk Show until Friday? I've got to judge X Factor on Wednesday and I need to be focused entirely."

"Of course. You know Simon, you don't have to do the Talk Show, it's only about your judging for X Factor and working with Demi Lovato and probably some other general questions about One Direction. I'm sure you could skip this one." she chuckled. I shot her a small smile, shaking my head in the process,

"That's alright, but thanks. Maybe after this upcoming one I'll skip the next one.. Don't I have a birthday coming up or something?" I rubbed my chin, thinking about who's birthday was coming up. Then it clicked, I whipped my head around to stare at Martha who was staring at me highly amused. It must have been the way my expression looked. "On second though, keep the whole next month open for me please. My niece is suppose to be coming to visit and her birthday is coming up."

I laughed to myself. "That's the birthday I was thinking about. Allie's! Do you think girls at the age of seventeen still like dolls?" I asked her.

Martha's hand flew up to cover her giggles. "Simon! At seventeen, did you still play with action figures?"

"Of course not! I had friends and went to parties. What a blast it was back then.." I trailed off with a grin, thinking back to my younger years. I was I guess pretty popular back then, though I'm not sure if it was my looks. Maybe it was my blunt honesty that everyone loved to hear, knowing I was only telling the absolute truth, no matter what it was.

Martha pointed at me with her pen enthusiastically. "Exactly. Callie is turning eighteen, she probably just wants to go out with her friends and party. She should be allowed to do that right?"

I thought for a moment then sighed. "I don't know... she's at the age when boys want her attention. I don't need them giving her extra attention that's only going to hurt her feelings if they find out she's related to me and use it against her."

"I'm sure she can handle it. People have known for a while that she's part of your blood line, nothing bad so far right? I think you should just make sure it stays that way." she emphasized. I leaned back in my leather chair.

"Stays that way how? What keep the boys from her?" I teased.

Martha let out a laugh. "No I mean maybe give her a house party with invites, you can have security throw out any unwanted hormonal teenage boys if that's what it takes. But I do think she deserves some freedom. She's graduating from school this year. Then she'll be on her own off to college somewhere. Hopefully for dance, does she still do it?"

I nodded. "All the time. She's amazing Martha. If only you could see's like dancing is how she lets everything go. Her graceful moves tell a story. I wish I could dance.."

"Don't we all." Martha snorted, writing down some notes on  her iPad with her electronic pen.

I laughed again. "Oh that's right, because you've got two left feet."

"Very funny Simon, I'll remember that the next time you need me to do your laundry." she shot me a narrow eyed look.

"I was only joking Martha, your not that bad. I mean your bad but not that bad." I shrugged. Martha opened her mouth to say something smart then her phone went off, signalling any threat she was about to lay on me. She picked up with a smile, like she always had, but then it dropped. She blinked a couple times.

"Okay wait slow down. So --

She was cut off by the person on the other line. After a moment her eyes widened, she looked over at me quickly then frowned to herself.

"So she's there now? What happened?" she demanded. She got up, giving me the wait finger as she closed the door to her office and came back to sit down with the phone still attached to her ear. She nodded, "Yes he's right here. Thank you, okay put her on."

"Who is it?" I looked at the phone she held out to me.

"Callie." she replied quietly, watching my expression. I grinned, grabbing the phone as I stood, walking over to the window.

"Callie. How are you love?" I spoke into the phone.

But on the other end, all that came out was a sob. "U- Uncle Simon, Gram - s- she passed." she started to sob again. The smile slipped off my face as soon as it had come.

"She... How did it happen? Where are you?" I questioned. I snapped my fingers to Martha who was nodding, pen and paper in hand to write down whatever I say.

"Yeah she died Uncle Si. She had a heart attack on her way to the check out line at the grocery store not to long ago and - and I just got home from school. But then Wendy called me and told me, cause she was there when it happened so I rushed and they took her to the hospital but she...she didn't m-make it." she sniffled.

"Callie, where are you right now? Memorial Hospital?"

"No. A social worker came to pick me up." she hiccuped. "You have to come get me please Uncle Simon! She's trying to put me in a foster care!" she cried. My heart dropped, I stared at the now cloudy view of my tenth story window. I leaned against the thick bulletproof glass with a hard expression.

"Now Callie. You listen to me, tell whoever this social worker is that I'm coming to get you right now. Tell them they'd better not move you anywhere without my permission because your my family so they can't take you from me. I'm getting on a flight right now."

"Okay. When is the fastest you can be here? I hate it here and it's cold." she huffed.

I cracked a smile, but a small one. "Um.. my fastest flight out to Britain..." I trailed off looking at Martha. She showed me a thumbs up with her fingers. "I believe I have a flight leaving shortly. I'll be there as soon as I can Callie."

"Oh thank god." she sighed. "Promise?"

I grabbed my coat, balancing my phone to my ear as Martha trailed after me out the office, down the hall, and into the elevator. She pushed the Lobby button and we were moving downward. "Come on now Callie, when have I ever let you down?" I wanted to distract her, hopefully enough until I could reach her.

As we stepped out, I heard her soft laugh even combined with all of the loud people and cars passing by as I stepped into my car on the passenger side. "That's not the point though Uncle Si. And you know this."

"What do you want me to say then?"

"Say that you promise you'll be here."

I looked down at my Rolex watch and pursed my lips. I had no idea how much time I had but I wouldn't wait anymore time. Callie needs me, and I'm going to be there.

"I promise you Callie. I'll be there, don't you worry."

"I trust you." she breathed into the phone, followed by a few more sniffles.

"Good. Just know I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure you come home with me safe and sound."


What do you guys think? This is going to be something... anyway yes I'm back! I've missed my readers and fans. Well hope you enjoy (:

goodnight everyone xx

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