Chapter three - 28/1

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Hello....  it's me.

*crickets chirp*

lol okay. as you can tell I'm obviously home alone again, and as you can tell, yes I woke up at 11:30 ish

*Home phone rings*
eh I'll leave it

*cellphone rings*
okay I'll answer !! geez

"Hey mum. yes. yes. yes the doors locked. yes. no. okay. bye.. ily2"

It's currently 1:37pm and I'm sitting in my lounge eating a...

green apple.

*horrified screams* *gunshots*

lol kidding

yes you read correctly, I'm eating a green piece of fruit that is supposedly better for you than cupcakes ??? ikr like probably lies but whatever

So let me walk you through what I've done so far today. first off I woke up and instead of lying in my bed till dinner time (I don't actually do that) I decided to get up. But not after my mother, mom, mum, mama whichever you prefer, called me to tell me that I was once again alone in the house because I have no friends and my brothers do. okay.

I told her, quite calmly tbh that I had just woken up and that's why I didn't answer her call to the house phone. That and the fact that I hate answering the house phone incase it's some stranger asking for someone who isn't in the house at that point in time.


She then proceeded to tell me that I should've gotten up earlier and that is when I got a lil pissed. You see, this morning I remember her leaving for work and she opened the curtains to my room (quite rudely) at 8:30am. So I grumbled and she said go back to sleep like ??? then why'd you open my damn curtains ??? why are you calling and telling me I should've woken up earlier when you specifically told me to go to sleep again this very morning?

That's what I thought

After the phone conversation I got dressed and cleaned up my room cause sometimes idk I go OCD and have to have a sorta tidy bedroom. So after I get dressed etc I go into the kitchen and decide to make cinnamon pinwheel scones or as I, and the rest of the world like to call it:


yas so I got all the ingredients out and made those which took like an hour cause I was jamming out while trying to cook. Let me tell you now that they are done I'm so happy cause they are like my fave meal I can actually make. Probably the only meal I can properly make even though I did food/nutrition as an option subject last year and doing again this year when I go back to school!! :(:

After they baked or cooked, I actually did the dishes again like I did in the last chapter !

wow chill

This time though I only did them cause I wanna surprise my mum with a tidy kitchen, even though she'll just give me a pat on the back. ugh.

But then I was kinda on a roll so I grabbed my green apple and cleaned the lounge as well cause my younger brother left a bro bomb in there. far out mum, if you just give me a pat on the back I swear to god you won't even get 1/11 of those goddamn cinnamon rolls that took me awhile to make okay.

you've been warned

Omfg I just tried one and I don't think I'll be able to stop eating them cause they are so freaking heavenly ahhh


I put the recipe in this chapter incase any of y'all wanna make these for yourselves. Message me or whatevs if you have any questions

- Logan (:

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