Chapter eleven - 7/3

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*Running into conference room dropping tonnes of paper*


Readers: "Logan you're like," *checks watch* " days late."

Me: ..

Readers: ..

Me: .. ummm lol k just gonna ignore that

Readers: *gets up and starts leaving*

Me: fu-, fudgenuts! *quickly presses play on magically appeared stereo and plays I will always love you by Whitney Houston


*Wipes away a tear*

That was so.. heartbreaking, I feel for that poor child and her mental health, God save her sweet, innocent soul.


Yeah soz I kinda ate like this huge lollipop, like the size of my head.. so I'm kinda crazy

continues typing with a blank stare

yeah yeah sorry I was away again.. I always go away as soon as I write a chapter and then I forget what I wrote in the last chapter soooo sorry if I ever say something twice probs three times lol

So yah today is Monday, and I'm internally screeching cause wtf the weekend was barely a second long.. and yeah so let me guide you through my fantastical weekend filled with fantastic things and fantastic memories!1!1

so let's get.. into the video!! *brightly smiles while looking directly into the viewers souls*


k so on Saturday I literally woke up at... uhh 9 I think I don't even remember man it was like two days ago!! :p and I legit can't even remember what I did. lol bye. nah but my dads uncle and his partner came over in their bus (on Friday) cause they live in Nelson and lemme say that the bus they have is supa cool. like I would 10/10 drive away from you in that bus

Then we kinda just chilled but also got bossed around cause we had to get the house together for the party that was at 7:30pm. My dad turned 50 earlier ish in the month so we were having a huge Hawaiian themed party ( we went to Hawaii over New Years and yah know not too shabby I guess ) so we got the house all decked out and ready for a night of drunk adults and 4 responsible teenagers

The teenagers consisted of my two brothers, my older brothers gf and moi. At around like 4:30ish I was basically digesting my internal organs so I screamed at mom to feed me so we got pizza!! YAHS like a whole thin crust pepperoni pizza was mine and mine alone. Also throughout the night I kinda ate like half of someone else's as well, their loss.

The night was fun and I chilled with Tomo most of the night when he was around and other than that I stole from the punch bowl ( filled with alcohol oops, but I'm not some crazy-teen-drunk-party-person I'm more of a curious wtf-is-vodka-Ooh-lets-try-some person lmao) and mostly played as the ball retriever for the coconut shy* or chilling with my grandparents


*straigtens shirt* yeah whatever

* if you were wondering what a coconut shy is you can google it, or picture it from my crap description lol So it's basically a game where you stand behind a line and try to hit the coconuts off of a pole (we used like fake sorta tiki torches) and if you get a certain amount down (which was originally 2/3 but everyone was crap at it so we felt bad and lowered it to 1/3) you get a prize. the prizes were a choc fish or a buzz bar.

The majority of the night was just watching around and seeing everyone slowly get drunk and ugh so by the end of the night (12am) I went to bed. My bros gf had to sleep in my room so she kinda woke me and I couldn't get back to sleep and I heard my parents come up stairs at like 1am ( with the party still going on sorta ) and my mom smacked my dad on the back (from what I heard of the noise) cause he fell asleep and there were some crazy people in the spa. fully clothed and all. lol tots me in 20 years

I almost forgot to mention the cake I made for my dad, it was a volcano cake that was surrounded by sand and the ocean and it was alright but no one really cared cause they were shiat faced by then so I kinda just walked away with my cake hoping someone would trip me and put me out of my misery already. That didn't happen and so I had to have my mom eat the cake and constantly compliment me cause she felt bad. stuff you guys then. #fakefam #imadopted #pleaseloveme


It wasn't so bad on the Sunday cause I just slept in till 9 then went on wattpad and pretending to be asleep when someone came up, this went on till about 11 lmao talk about avoiding your responsibilities Logan smh.
I had stage challenge at 3-4 so I had to get out of bed and go to that, there's a girl from my class in it so at least I'm not a loner there but she was kinda being cold so I just stayed on my own mostly. Stella is also in the hip hop group so yeah I see her but I don't mind her anymore, she actually talks to me. unlike everyone else LMAO TWISTED WORLD MUCH


So back to present time

Right now I'm literally so obsessed with this story on here called "Woah baby!" it's in my reading list of yah wanna check it out. no that wasn't a paid promo, I wish it was fam

but yea so I was looking in the mirror before and I turned to the side and my mind was like "WTH IS THAT A .. BABY BUMP. UHM WGAT" but then I remembered I'm a 15 year old virgin with no experience or contact with boys and a 0% social life so I chilled.  and the. like a normal person I mentally, surgically removed the lump of fat covering my abs.


"BRUH LOOK AT THIS DOOD. LOOK AT HIS HAIR.. LOOKS LIKE A GARILLL BRUSH.. *sounds of torture and ghosts screeching and me in the morning*

I'm literally dead. like I was watching these vids of this atomic laugher and I was dead. on the floor. literally dead. I was so dead I had to restart my own heart with laughter. Damn Daniel that was intense..


WOAH THAT WAS LIKE THE LONGEST CHAPPER EVER AND I STILL HAD TO WRITE MORE.. I NEED TO PLAN AND UPDATE MORE. gosh like I always update after like a week and so much happens ( lol not) that I gotta spend 20 hours trying to squish it into one CHAPPER. sorry fam I'll do better.

btw I'm going on a geography trip to another city for a few days so I probs won't update ( not that I do anyway!1!1 LOL) srry fam and peace ily

- Logan (:

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