The elephant in the camp

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The next morning was awful. It was the first time that I had to train all the camp. I woke everyone up and got to the arena. Everyone was waiting for me and my team and of course Annabeth. "So does anyone want to learn first" I said in my deepest voice."How are you better than anyone at camp.We have the best fighters here" Annabeth said."So I guess your up first" I said in a smirking way. When she was coming up I heard a voice in my head say"dude what are you DOING!!!! are you trying to get killed" Alpha said."No Alpha I'll be fine"."You better" .
I hope I think to my self."uh dude still have it connected"." Oops sorry". She got up there and said "Well are you ready"."Please ladies first" I say while bowing down.

While he was bowing I took out my dagger and tried to stab his back but he simply moved out of the way that I almost fell."You really need to not charge at someone" he said. That really made me mad. Then I slice to side to side but he grabbed my hand and made me dropped the knife. Then he pushed me, ME of all people and what I did is fell to my behind like a fool. Everyone was laughing at me. Omega offered his hand and I pushed it away and said"Lucky shot".Thats when Chrion came and told everyone"Attention campers our capture the flag will happen at 8:35pm so be ready". As he left Omega said "I think that's for today.Everyone can stay to train more or they can go eat".Well I wasn't going to get embarrassed again so I left but everyone stayed there to train more, uh pitty on them.

I can't believe that I did that, what a adrenaline rush. Annabeth left but everyone stayed. After the training we went to eat and had my usual food that I get. When I sat down a hand slammed to the table and I looked up to see Annabeth with a weary look on her. "That's were Percy sits down". Oh crap I forgot about that my memory just thought it was another day here."Get off of his seat". I couldn't take it anymore I snapped."Maybe he wouldn't be gone if you didn't play him". Her expression on her face went angry to shock.But I had to play it or she'll know who I am." Yeah I know what happen I asked around the camp and they told me what happen". She was crying and ran off. Then I realised what I did. I felt sorry ashamed what I said. I looked around and everyone was still eating not even looking at me. I walk away to my cabin and thought what I said that.

A javelin hit the monster and the person was Jason screaming "GO I'll COVER YOU!!" At the  top of his lungs. I picked up Annabeths body and ran as fast as I can to the medical bay and looked behind me to see Nico who was running with me. We went inside to put Annabeth body down. Nico asked if I was ok."If only I was faster,if only I was stronger, if only"-"Snap out of it camp needs you more than anyone" Nico said. He was right I ran outside and fought with the others. At the end I saw body's on the floor, swords and arrows all over the place and Jason on his knees to see piper on the floor bearly breathing.The next day everyone was weak Annabeths body still on the table and Piper who was on a bed with a wash cloth on her head. I was on the hill looking at the forest. What happened here was unimaginable.Then all of a sudden I was at Mount Olympus with all the gods and a man who had robes of dark red, black hair and his eyes looked like the stars of the universe. "Perseus Jackson we have sent you here to tell you of your past" Zeus said. "Listen can I pleased skip this I'm having a bad day" I said. "You are not the son of Poseidon but the son of Chaos the creature of the universe" Zeus said. "You don't think that I will believe that will you" I said?"I t is true. It was the only way to protect you until you were old enough to understand" Poseidon said. I..I can't believe it I'm the son of the creature of the universe. The man said "Hello son I'm here to take you home with me if you want to". "What do you mean if I want to" I said. Zeus said " You have a choice to stay at Camp Half-Blood or to go to the Chaos planet". I didn't know yet so I asked "Can I have time to think about it"?"Of course you can" said Chaos. I nodded and I was back at camp but in my cabin. I thought of only one thing and ran to Nico who was with Jason putting his hand over Jason's back..........hello,hello is anyone there. I was back in my room to here knocking on the cabin door I quickly put on my gear and hood to open to see Annabeth waiting there to see me.

Hey people who are reading my book thank you so much for reading it it means a lot that some people are reading and sorry for not riding school has been taking my time but I promise to  write more and put a comment what should happen next and should I bring Drago to camp or make a book about him. Anyways thank you.

Percy Jackson son of chaosWhere stories live. Discover now