Hearts are Shadered

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I wondered why Annabeth was at my door."Ca..Can I come in" said Annabeth?"Sure". She walk in and we went to the couch. I asked"Why are you here". I didn't believe it but I think she was tearing up."You are right. I did lie and I never should of done I feel sorrow"she started to cry a little"I was shocked of what you said Omega. I hope you forgive me" she said. She went to hug me, I didn't know what to do. She was crying on my chest of amour."There,there". I said I almost started to feel sorry for her when an instinct kick in and grab something behind me. It was Annabeth's hand. Then I realized she was playing a trick. She was trying to pull down my hood."I'm sorry I thought..i thought"- "Get out...GET OUT!"I said full of rage. She ran out crying.
I ran out crying. I couldn't believe I've done that, it was so stupid to do that. I went to my cabin and cried. Minutes later an old friend opened the door."Hey" said Leo."Can I come in"? I wiped my tears and said"No". As usual he didn't  listen and walk right in. He said" People are saying that you ran in here crying. What happened"? I told him everything and when I was done his hand was smuldering. He yelled "I'm going to kill him"! He ran outside now hands burst in flames and charged at Omegas cabin. "Stop"I said!

Hey guys sorry for being so short but I've been busy but next chapter will be long I promise and stay tuned for more.

Percy Jackson son of chaosWhere stories live. Discover now