6 The Worst-A Glimpse

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     The shadows played off the stones and danced on the ground happily. They danced under the silver streaks floating through the air. Dashing in an out of light, barely touching it, the two figures made their way to the castle. The stone structure loomed over everything below, sitting high on its perch basking in its glory. It stood erect with so much pride; its architectural design must have been a master. "Magnificent,"

     "Hush Mei, you need to hold your tongue." the whispers from the two figures floated gently off into the night, occasionally getting caught in the silver streaks. The two made their way up the rocky surface with little difficulty. Arriving at the main entrance they knocked and it seemed like the whole castle and ground it stood on was shaking. It was quite sometime before the door was gradually pushed open by a little goblin, no taller than a small house plant. "Yes, what do you want?" His voice was somewhat irritating because of how squeaky it sounded. "We need to see the master."

     "Oh do you, fine." The goblin spun around on his heel and guided the two figures down the hall. "It's nice to have guests," his squeaky voice echoed down the hallway. "We aren't guests," one of the dark figures spoke up. "Mei,"

     "Oh, sorry." The voices diminished and only tapping from the goblins shoes were audible. A wooden door that has seen better days greeted them at the end. "Wait in here, and he will come when he's ready." The goblin disappeared without a sound and the two figures were left with the door. Mei pushed it open quite easily and allowed the other figure to enter. 

     A quaint, little room was set before them. Much different atmosphere compared to the bleak hallway. Warm rugs were laid down on the stone floor, covering the whole floor. A small, wooden table stood proudly in the center and was worshiped by two matching chairs. The source of light came from four candled attached to the wall. "Well, this seems nice, don't you think Gravis?" A disgruntled grunt was the only reply as he made his way to one of the chairs. "Seems comfy enough."

     "How long is it going to take master?" questioned Mei as she bent over slightly to examine the patterns on the rugs. "Dunno, as long as he gives us a small break. I'm too tired and old to keep doing this."

     "Silly, that's why you're partnered with me." Sighing Gravis shot Mei a glare that silenced her for hours. Hours did go by and finally the master arrived. The door flew open surprising Mei and the darkest figure strode in. "Well, make this brief." The master's voice boomed and bounced off the walls in the tiny room. "Ah, he finally showed up," Mei said with slight annoyance. "Mei, hold your tongue or you won't have one anymore. Pardon her master, we have a sighting on the girl. We shall continue to watch her as you have instructed." The room was silent for a while as the master was thinking. "Go, and follow her. Report to me periodically."

     "Go now sir?"

     "Immediately," and he turned slamming the door shut as he left. "Damn, not even a day to rest. Guess I hoped for too much. Come, Mei." Mei only nodded in response for fear of her tongue. 




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