Chapter Three

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Dereks POV

"NO. NO. NO!" Stiles screams of terror awoke me.

He was crying, hard. I have never seen anyone like that before. He was shaking the couch with his tears and gasps for breath. I wasn't sure what to do. I am not a people person. I don't know why I did it like this but something made me. I moved from my side of the couch to his and just held him. I rocked him back and forth, I didn't let go. I wouldn't. I couldn't. Not until he was alright. I waited for him to let it all out, nothing complicated. I let him cry. When the hardest crying was over I started to tell him little things like "Its ok." "shhhh. you're ok." and such. I never wanted to see him like that. The usually happy, funny, sarcastic kid was broken. I had to fix him.

"It was only a nightmare. Not real. No no no."  I sympathetically cooed to him.

"It wasn't a nightmare." He looked me in the eyes. His still brimming with tears, not to mention the few rolling down his face.  "It was a memory."

"Im going to go to the mall. See you guys."

"Bye Derek!"

"Arent you going to kiss your mother goodbye?"

I gave her a quick peck and hopped on my motor bike.

The air suddenly smelled like smoke. A wild fire? In January??

I turned to head home. I heard the scream for me.


There was nothing I could do. My family was burning to death and all I could do was try to run and save them, I failed.


"Derek?" Stiles tried to regain my attention.

"Is this why you cant sleep?" I asked.

He gazed at me sadly. The answer was there in his eyes. It hurt him so badly, it looked like it was killing him. Then I realized the scars. On his side where his shirt got pulled up from the rocking back and forth, fresh crimson lines shown when he used his sleeve to wipe away tears. I glared at them. I needed them to leave his perfect, innocent body. THEY DIDNT BELONG THERE OR ON ANYONE.

"Stiles Stilinski." I said quietly.

"Yes?" He replied confused. 

"Never ever do that again." Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes once more. I continued "You are perfect. Why on earth would you punish yourself? You are amazing. You are wonderful. You are funny. You are handsome. You are unique." I said as he was now crying. My eyes lined with tears but I didn't let them go.

I have been curious about Stiles for a few months now, just his scent drives me crazy. I need to protect him from evil and harm. Its just an instinct from my wolf. Besides who would want there flower to wither, or there paintings to fade? I think he likes me but I don't know. I want him to stay safe whether he likes me or not. But how can I protect him from pain, when he is giving it to himself. How can I make him safe when he is his worst night mare?

I kissed his wrists and whispered "Please don't. I beg you. Ill do anything."

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