C1: Stripper for a neighbor O.o

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Khloe was sitting in her front garden with her 6 and 7 year old cousins ; Sally and Kevin. They were gardening.

Mrs. Saunders left her children with the responsible 19 year old for the whole day. Khloe had to babysit them.


= KHLOE 'S P.O.V =

"Khloe.. How do you hold the spoon?" , little 6 year old Sally asked.

"Spoon?" I laughed , "Sally, that's no spoon... That's a spade. You don't drink soup with this spade , do you? " I smiled teasingly at her and she giggled.

Kevin was sitting not far away and guess what he was doing .. He was busy building a soil castle ..

"Kevin.. Please don't do that ! "

"But the worms will be happy to live in a castle ."

I smiled at him . Oh these two are just adorable !!

A taxi halted in front of the house next to mine. A very hot guy stepped out from the taxi. My mouth fell open. Oh my God - he's so hot.

My mind kept kept telling me : Earth to Khloe ! Earth to Khloe !! Close your mouth and stop drooling !!!! Oi !!

I closed my mouth and went back to the kids.

I couldn't help peeking throught the fence to look at the guy. I saw him looking for the house keys exactly like how I did when I moved here.

I stood up and said, " They're under the door mat. " Me and my big mouth ! I just HAD to do that, huh ??

He was startled. I guess he didn't expect any assistance. I felt a bit , well ALOT embarrassed.

"Thanks!" He shouted .

I grinned like a fool. Wow, some guy he must be !

I heard the door unlock and then open. The weird thing was, I didn't hear it close. I peeked through the fence and I saw the door wide open with his bags just inside the house, but where's the owner ??


"Bahh !!" I fell over from my crouching position.

"You're Khloe, right?", he asked.

"Yeah.. Wait- how did you know? OMG ! Stalker !" I made a shocked expression

"Could say the same about you." He probably realized that I looked really confused. He said, "You know, about the keys.. Either you've been spying, or you happen to be my guardian angel. "

My face turned red as he said that.

My head kept shouting at me : stop blushing !! Stop it ! You're making a fool out of yourself !

He held out his hand and I took it.he pulled me up into a standing position. "Thanks" I smiled.

This was getting awkward...

"Sooooo..." I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet . "So, um.. " oh craB .. i don't even know his name !

"The name's Damon.", he smiled. Guess he got the hint about the name ..

"Damon.. Wow.. Cool name."

"Khloe- the name of my guardian angel. " he siad. I melted when he said that. Known him for a while and I'm already liking him.

"Sooooo... Damon. Do you have a job ?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah.."

"What do you do ?"

"I .. Er.. Study."

Studying is a job ?? Okaaaayyy ..


Ok. This amazing girl is standing in front of me and she is currently asking about my job.

"Err.. Okay ... What do you study ?" ,she asked.

"Arts." Hmhh .. The art of stripping ,more of ...

She eyed me suspiciously.

"Arts ?? Ooh ! What type?" She seemed interested..

"I ..uhh.. Dance and uh perform" .. And strip .

"You're a stripper , aren't you?" She smiled knowingly and raised and eyebrow.

WAIT WHAT ?? How'd she know??

She must've seen my shocked and unbelieving expression.

She said, "You should really work on your job description, you know." She smirked.

"Was It that obvious??" Ok. I am clearly amazed by this girl.

"Well, it is.. To me."

Ok. Now I'm really confused. "To you??"

"I study psychology. "

My mouth fell open. Psychology. Wow ! She's a book worm, for sure ! And she must be really smart, too!

"You- You're not grossed out by this ? Not at all ?"

She shrugged and shook her and saying, "I don't judge people." and she smiled .

"You are my guardian angel, after all!!" I said in amazement.

"Dude! Stop it with that ! " she was blushing.

A Stripper of a NeighborWhere stories live. Discover now