C 4 : Dog-sitting ..

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I'm stuck here- dog-sitting Damon's friend, Garreth's dog. 

Her name's Karbon. Yup; Karbon with a K . 

Damon and Garreth went to and left me woth Karbon . I didn't know where they were going .

An hour later, I'm standing on a tall stone chair in Garreth's back garden. 

Karbon followed me everywhere. She followed me inside the house, outside, upstairs and down. I was serious when I said 'everywhere'. 

At first I kneeled down to pet her. Then, she got really friendly. Karbon followed me everywhere. I couldn't sit down properly without karbon jumping up and down. After that, I decided to make a run for it. I concluded that running wasn't such a good idea because now, I'm standing on a tall, but fairly small stone chair in the garden, under no shelter and karbon is just trying to jump up to my level.

GREAT- juuuuust great !

Thank God I'm not wearing heels !

I looked down a Karbon.

"Really ? " I pursed my lips. " What do you even see in me, Karbon?" I put my fists on my hips. "Do I smell that much like food ? " I asked ,exasperated.

She obviously didn't reply. I would be scared out of my skin if she did !

She was wagging her tail and her tongue was hanging out from her mouth .   

5 minutes passed. 10 . 15 . 20 minutes. Karbon is still very near me. She doesn't seem to be giving up. 

Then, Karbon layed down beside the chair like a guared dog. 

"Really- You're just gonna leave me standing up here like this?" I said, looking around . "Well, then." I rocked back and forth on my feet, hands behind my back.

An hour passed. I'm still on the chair. It lookes like I'm beeing punished or something.

I managed to occupy myself with my phone. Ooh ! Wi-fi ! I'm leaning against the wall, still on my chair and I'm lookin' kind cool ! ( Despite the fact I'm up here because of Karbon )

Luckily I charged my phone, or I would be doomed and probably be bored to death !

Karbon got bored eventually ( phew! )

I was still afraid to come down because karbon keeps an occasional eye on me. She moved to a cooler spot under a shade while I'm standing here under the sun ( Luckily its not that hot ). 

Although Karbon is about 5 meters away, I know she'll start chasing me if I ran. I'm fast, but I'm not THAT fast.  Anyway, I could never outrun a dog !! Let alone a hyper one !

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