To School

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We went to Mcdonalds for breakfast and then i was yelling for them not to pick up alycia so they taped my mouth shut. diamond was laughing so hard.this niggas think they bout it! we just got to alycia house so imma bout to dip out.

"aye ma we gonna get ole girl  and then we be right back ight"? shikeme said

Stay your ahh right here shadiamond and diamond yu keep in eye on her Shikeme said getting out the car wit shikeme behind him

I mumbled a few cuss words through the tape and rolled my eyes kicking my legs.

So I asked Diamond is she was finna dipped wit me and she said sure why not.😂

So we was walking and we was getting like some one was watching us so we speed up our pace.😳

Diamond pov'

So I decided I was going to dip wit sha'diamond kus the boy was blowing us.🙄😐
Soo... we was walking and we felt like something was watching us so we sped up our pace a lil.😳😶

So we walking always at our school wit some one comes out the bushes and scared the shit out me and sha'diamond  so scream the it a man wit a mask so we haul ass down the road til we got yanked up by the men in black wit mask 😷

So then me and sha'diamond get the swing and we was hitting they ass til the men backed handed us and we fell and hit our head on something so then we black out. 😫😨


So we was running 🏃 then we got picked up by then men in the mask 😷 so me and diamond get the swinging 👊🏾 til they backed handed us and we blacked out the only I heard we gun shots were being fired. 🔫


So Ik y'all like what happened between me and Alycia well she just gave me head then I went to sleep 😴

So then I was at Alycia house 🏡 & the boys was coming to pick me up to take her to school.🙃

So I see the boys pull up and I noticed the girls was wit him I think to my self and jus say fuck kus ik I was wrong bkus ik sha'diamond likes me but I was drunk 😵 and high as hell.

So one thing led to another and it jus happened so we going to get in the car and Diamond and Sha'diamond not there so I'm like we're the girls at y'all

R- Rocky   S-Shikeme

R-They should be back the-

S- Yea they should hav-

R-well they not

That damn Diamond and sha'diamond.😭 we told they ass to stay right here and the do the opposite.😐 we need to find them before king and Diamond dad find out and what if something happens to them. 😴🤕 that our ass.😵

In the car.

we finna look for the girls.
So we are driving and we see something in the road so we look and it these men and looked to be Diamond and sha'diamond so i slow down the car 🚗 and it is them the men just backed handed them so Me Rocky Shikeme  jump out and get to the shooting and we hit them so then we call the clean up people to come and get them and take them to the basement and wait til later. 

So then we pick up Sha'diamond and Diamond put them in the car 🚗 and we hurry go to the hospital to see of the girls have okay and they both slipped into a coma ☠️😥

DRUG LORD DAUGHTERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora