Morning time.

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Boyspov '
It was time for the girls to leave so me and Shikeme packed they shii and the doctor gave them the release forms and we signed them. 📍😔

we was lowkey happy to see the girls. 😏💙

Car ride home.


so we was in the car and I kept peeping jamal looking a me, so I was aggravated already so I was like...

S-what uu looking at!

J-wtf uu yelling for and uu

S-I can yell at whoever tf I want to & don't uu have hoes to be  looking at

J-I tld uu tht was nothing why uu still tripping foe

S-uu kno why im tripping because uu knew how I felt bout uu and uu go out and do what tf god knows what?

J-sha'diamond I kno & I like uu too but I was drunk and high and she was feeling on me and uu kno how boys get they think wit the wrong head.

S-if uu liked me then uu wouldn't have done it & maybe control ur liquor & uur little friend down there

J-im sorry please jus let me show uu how much I am sorry.

S-I don't want shii from uu jam-

while she was talking I took this as my chance to kiss her & I did buhh she didn't kiss back til I rubbed her thigh and she the gave in.💕😘😛

J-be ready by 8 don't get dressed all up something simple & it's a surprise.😅😏


so me and shikeme was inn the car it was complete silence..til he broke it.

S-so how uu feel

D-gud ig

S-tahts gud

D-mhmm what do uu have to say

S-why uu so rude I jus was asking uu how uu was doing

D-okay ig

S-so how bout  uu be ready by 8 and Im come and get uu don't go all out jus do something simiple.

D-how bout no and no

S-how bout if I come by 8 and uu aint ready imam drag uu out that damn house my damn self.

D-ughhh uu get on my nerves and where are we goin to shikeme

S-its a surprise diamond.

pulling into diamonds driveway

D- fine and bye lil boy

S-first im not little or nothing on my body little. & no hug


she gives him a hub and he kissed her and she pulled away 😌😋

D-think uu slick lil nigga

S-im not little and bye

he slapped her ass

D-oww dickhead

DRUG LORD DAUGHTERDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora