Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Ruka's POV

By now, Rin was already pasted out and I was the only one left awake, it seemed. It felt like the whole city was dead. I sighed, I always seemed to end up alone at this time, why couldn't I just pass out like Rin did?

Footsteps could be heard heading towards the training grounds where only I was and I froze on spot. Who was this? Why were hey coming here? Was it Rin? Was it someone who would cause me trouble?

My brain and heart seemed be pounding louder and louder as this stranger approached, oh how I wish I could just fall asleep like a normal person at these times. The I looked for my hair, for what reason i don't know, it seemed to blend in with the dark, if I hid myself well, even if my hair was out, I wouldn't be spotted would I?

I ran as quietly as posible up into  tree, don't move, don't move. A person came up into the training grounds, a soilder, why were they here? Did they hear me training and thought I was someone coming to attack? I thought about it, it was possible. Right? Then it clicked, Rin said something about curfew, or was that only to other countries that would visit for the exaims? Damn my stupid attention spand!

I decided it would be best to leave, than be found and face some sort of conciquince. Now, here comes the problem, my house it practicly all the way in the back of the village. That means, I'll have to sneak into someone else's house. Well, won't they be waking up to a pleasent suprise!

Quietly, I jumped from to tree to tree, trying to find the safest house I could find. Sleep daze started washing over me and my speed slowed down, I needed to find some place to sleep. NOW.

i sighed and jumped into a building's window that was for some stupid reason, left open. Whoever's house this was, they must be pretty stupid to leave the window open.

I felt around, while my eyes ajusted to the new darkness. When I finally COULD see, I found out I was in a guest room. I sighed in relief and gently sat down on the closest bed. In no more than a minute, the darkness of sleep pulled me in.


I was rudely woken up by someone pulling me up by my hair and putting, what felt like, a kunai on my neck.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my house!" they hissed. It was a very firmilar voice, one I was least wanting at this time. Sasuke. Damn it.

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