Chapter 3

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Holly's POV

 I felt Clyde and Rachelle sit me down. Rachelle handed me a glass of water whilst Clyde carried my mum upstairs. Rachelle gave me another hug before she helped get my mum clean and settled down in bed. Deciding that i should do something, I cleaned up the blood that was slowly staining the floor. Just as i had finished cleaning up Clyde and Rachelle came back down. 

"your mum's asleep. I'm really sorry for your loss" Rachelle said, giving me a hug. i nodded not knowing what to say. 

"Hey, i think i'll leave you two to have some girl time. Looks like you may be needing it." Clyde said giving me a kiss on the forhead and walking out the house. 

"Look, Holly, about the kiss. Honestly, im really sorry. you're my best friend. No you're my sister and i couldn't ever go after your ex. it's not right. The kiss didn't mean anything." She said assuring me that she didn't think anything of it, but i've known the girl since we were 6months old. I know that that kiss meant a lot to her. It was written all over her face. I just nod. i grab a can of coke from the fridge and tossed one at her. Walking into the living room i sat down and stared at the blank TV screen. Why is this happening to me? First my boyfriend that i loved broke up with me, then i find out that the reason he broke up with me was because he fancied my best friend and his feelings have been growing stronger for her as the days passed, Then my mum has a miscarraige, Then i find out that my best friend likes my ex even though she doesn't want to admit it to me. seriously, what next? Without evven realising i felt my face move sideways. coming out of my thoughts i was met by a slightly throbbing to my cheek.

"Finally!" Rachelle says as she successfully got my attention. 

"You had your thinking face on. Whats up?" she asks me. I shake my head.

"its nothing important."  I tell her. I reached out in front of me for the tv remote only to have Rachelle pull me back. I looked at her. Bad mistake. She was practically shooting daggers at me.

"Okay, okay!" I say knowing that she wouldnt let me slide.

"Im just thinking about everything from the breakup to now, i just. It doesn't make sense as to why this is happening to me!" I say only to recieve a sympathetic look from her. I shake my head.

"That's the thing, i don't want SYMPATHY i just want answers, i want to know why! I just , i can't. Rachelle, i don't want, I don't want to be the girl i was years back. I don't want to be the girl i was. Always by myself , never socialising, in love with music and just being in my old world and not have a clue about whats gooing on in the real world. I just want to have answers! I need to know. it's, i , you know what im like when i dont know why things are happening. It's not a pretty sight. i just. URGHHHHHH" I let out getting frustrated with the world and tugging on my hair. Why? Why me? I don't understand.

"Okay, Holly hun, i need you to look at me." I shake my head but slowly raised my head to look at her.

"Look, life has funny ways of showing you different things, friendship,loyalty,trust,strength,guilt just to name a few. More importantly in your case Love. Life is just showing you different types of love and situations where you find love or realise love. Clyde, he was one type of love, Losing a sibling by a miscarraige is also a type of love, because that creates you and your parents bond together grow strong, Me i'm definately a different type of love. A sisterly one. This is also life's way of saying, realise who are important in your life, who matter the most to you, who as much as they have hurt you realise that they didn't mean to they just had to, realise that everything happens for a reason you just have to live through the problem until you fond out why it happend." As she said this a few tears spilt. She was right. Why did i not notice this sooner? Why did it take someone else to show this to me? Noticing my silence, Rachelle reached over for the TV remote and decided to put on Jungle Book. I chuckled at her wiping away my tears. Shrugging my shoulders i rest my head on her lap and eventually fell asleep with her stroking my hair.

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