Chapter 7

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Holly's POV

I've been stuck in my room for the past 2 days and a half now. I refuse to eat, I refuse to go anywhere until i know my dad is okay. Clydes even tried lifting me outta bed but i didn't let him. I looked a right state, bloodshot eyes, puffy eyebags, 'swolen' cheeks.I just can't get myself to move, well apart from going to freshen up. I sigh as my stomach grumbles loudly for the hundreth time in the past 10 mins. I sigh not wanting to get up but my stomach keeps on growling. I slip my slippers on and walked downstairs and into the kitchen. i look to see food for me laid out on the island with a note. 

Bon appetite Holly, you need it                                                                                                                                   Clyde xx

I grin to see mixed seafood stir fry with fresh lemonade and a bottle of water.My stomach grumbles at the sight and smell. I sit on one on the high stools and slowly ate the food enjoying every bit of it. I drink the lemonade  once im done and took the bottle of water with me. I walk past the living room to find Clydes mum sleeping on the sofa. I go into the storage cupboard and took a blanket. I placed it over her and walked upstairs to take a qquick shower. Once i was done i dried of and wore a pair of denim high waisted shorts and i tucked in a shirt that hung off of my right shoulder. Walking back downstairs i decided to go down into the basement. to my suprise i found Clyde inside recording. He's always so into music. I frown when i realise i've nevver actually heard this. I sit down while he records. Listening to the lyrics a tear escapes my eye. It's about us. He wrote a song about us. Our experiences, feelings, troubles we faced, everything in one song. As the song ended, he opened his eyes, a few stray tears made it's way down his cheeks but he wiped them away. Walking out of the booth he jumped as he saw me. I smile.

"That was amazing." I tell him quietly. I stand up to wipe the tears that were slowly staining his cheeks. He gives me a small smile. I look straight into his eyes, there was something thaere that nevver used to be there. I then nnotice his eyes travel down to my lips then back to my eyes. He slowly leant down, i  felt him til my head. Our lips were just inchs apart but then all of a sudden Rachelle's voice was heard. Instantly we pulled away. I looked to see a drunk Best friend approach. I then look at her to Clyde then back to Rachelle. The stench of alcohol filled the room pretty quickly. I wrinkled my nose at the sudden odour. Clyde sighed.

"Rach babe, who have you been drinking with?" He asked her calmly. When Rachelle told him who i felt my jaw drop.She does realise who she shared a couple of drinks with... right? I looked over to seel Clydes eyes widen and his fists slowly clenching.

"Did you do anything?" He asks this time seriously. She giggled but was thinking. I took a slight step forward at his sudden seriousness.

"He kissed me." My eyes and jaw widened but i quickly hid my shock.. Clyde on the other hand didn't look very happy about what was just said.I noticed clyde suddenly rage with anger as he started walking menicingly towards Rachelle. I stepped forward and put my hand on his arm and made eye contact with him. He looked and his eyes softend. I give him a look telling him to calm down. I told Clyde it would be best if he takes her to the guest room and puts her to sleep. He obeys and goes. I on the other hand stay to swith off the recording things and walked back up and into the kitchen to find that i had 15 missed calls from my mum and a bunch of messages from her. Immediately i called her back.

"Hello? Mum? Whats happening?Hows dad? Is everything okay?" I ask her. But what she net said was music to my ears. Dad was responding to the treatment given to him. I smile happily. I squeal when she tells me. hanging up the phone I see Clyde approaching. He glances at me then the phone. 

"He's responding to the treatment!" I squeal jumping into Clyde. He chukles and gives me a hug and spinning me around a little. As he puts me down I remember Rachelle. I sigh and pull away from the hug.

"Im sure nothing happened, she's just drunk." i assure him even though i wasnt sure myself. He sighs and ruffles his hair. Walking outside we sit on the plastic white chairs. 

"It's not that. It's the fact that he's back, i dont know why, i dont know how, but he's back." He tells me. I look at him.

"Look im sure there's a rational explination.I don't think he's back to cause trouble" I tell him. He sighs and rests his head on my shoulder. i just rested my chin on his head and rubbed his back in comfort.

"Holly, nothings EVER rational with him. He's trouble and you know it.." He says frustratedly. I sigh and let him vent. I then recieved a text.

You saw what happed to your dad and you saw what happened to Rachelle.This is a simple warning. Give me whats mine and no one else will get hurt.                                                                          Your Worst Nightmare.                                                                                                                                              

"C-Clyde" I say in the middle of him venting my voice clearly shakey. i looked up at him and showed him the text. I glanced at him and saw his facial expression. Anger, Confusion, annoyance flashed across his face. 

"I can't believe he's doing this again." He said angrily and punched the wall behind him with so much force that the wall dented and a bit crumbled off. I jumped at his sudden actions stepping back i admit in fear. There was only ever one time i saw him like this and it didn't end up pretty. He put a guy in hospital. I looked over to see him walking towards me his face slowly turning into a serious one.

"Holly you are not safe here okay." As he tells me this i look at him as if he was speaking a different language.

"What do you mean i'm not safe?" I tell him completely confused. 

"You remember that place i showed you? You know the one near here only no one knows about it." He tells me and i just nod. 

"I need you to pack somethings in a rucsack and go there. Do not leave until i tell you to. Do you understand Holly." he tells me and again i nod.

" I need you to promise me to be there in that house by 9 okay. I will meet you there at 9:30. Got it?" He asks me. 

"Yes, but Clyde where are you going? What about Rachelle? What about My parents?What about your mum?" I ask him he shakes his head. 

"Don't worry about me just make sure youre in that house by that time or you'll be where your dad is.I'll bring Rachelle with me and You can take mum with you" He tells me.

"Take mum with you where?" I hear his mum say. 

"Mum, He's back" I heard him say. i glanced over at his mums direction to see pure fear written on her face. I noticed her jolly face was taken over and she was trembling.

"Wh-what do you mean. I thought he left? Wh-what ddoes he wa-want?" She stutters. He sighs and runs a hand through his hair and shook his head.

"I don't know mum. That what i need to find out." He tells her. I look at him.

"Clyde if you're going back, im coming." I tell him.

"No Holly. I'm not risking losing you." He tells me venom but fear clear in his voice. I step back knowing that i had to be careful with what i say. 

"Clyde. I know what happened last time, but im part of this." I tell him calmly careful not to push his buttons

"I know you are but right now until i find out what he wants i want you as safe as possible. So you and mum pack some things and go to the safe house." He basically orders. I nod and sigh in defeat knowing i wouldnt win. Knowing he had won he gives his me and his mum a hug and leaves with my car.


Okay, so i hoped you enjoyed this chpter, if you have any improvements i can make just comment below, umm my posts like i have said before will be late as i have school. GCSEs ahhhhh... but yeah i do want to complete this book so i'll be writting while studying :) 

Thank you, Natashhaaa :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2013 ⏰

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