Chapter: 1

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"Samaya, hurry up! Unless you want to be late to your brothers sold out show, i suggest you get your butt down here!" My best friend Alyssa shouted at me

"Yes I'm coming! I just want to look like a normal human being for all of Ty's adoring fans." I rolled my eyes as i bounded down the stairs, my long, brown hair bouncing against my shoulders.

"Yeah about that, are you sure you want to be around Tyler?" She asked slipping on her combat boots as I chucked on my converse. "I mean you kinda hate the kid"

"I don't hate him...I strongly dislike him. But this is about supporting Josh not Tyler." I raced out the door to my blue outback subaru and buckled myself in.

"Sorry i just didn't know it was possible for you both to pretend not to strongly dislike each other for a whole night. Well I never thought I'd live to see the day." She placed her hand over her heart in fake surprise and chuckled as I started the car and began to drive.

"Oh haha shut up."

"Why do you hate each other anyway? I forgot"

"Why does he hate me? I have no idea. But I hate him because he's a cocky, insensitive, jerk! And let me remind you of the phone calls. You remember the one where he told one of his buddies on the phone that he couldn't believe Josh was related to me?" I quickly ran out of breath rambling on and getting mad

"You little eavesdropper! But you know that was an insult how?"

"I could tell in his voice he was not happy. And hey it's not eavesdropping unless you get caught!" I paused "So i guess i eavesdropped two weeks ago." I mumbled

"SPILL!" Alyssa squealed

"He was on the phone with Micheal right before he was going to get on the bus, that Josh was already on. And he said it grossed him out that I was Josh's sister, and that he wished he didn't have to see me all the time. Then he saw me, froze, and i ran off. Plus there have been other conversations I've overheard."

"So you've hated each other for years because of some stupid phone conversation?" Alyssa asked astounded

"Alyssa I told you I don't hate him. But you know he avoids me like I'm some sort of parasite. Plus he shot me!"

"He did what now?" Alyssa stared at me waiting for me to explain

"Wow your memory is worse than my life choices. Remember...the airsoft gun. The one that i have a scar from on my ribcage. Yeah I bet he wished it was real." Alyssa flicked my forehead " OW I was kidding! But i stole his sweater to get him back." I snickered

"You guys are weird. But seriously you should give him the benefit of the doubt, at least for Josh. He seems like a super caring and smart guy." Alyssa wiggled her eyebrows and chuckled before plugging the aux cord into her phone and blasting my brother and Tyler's music.

I'm my brother's most crazed and supportive fangirl. And i not so secretly love Ty's voice, and the way it collides with Josh's drums. They are really talented and in the kindest way possible they are going to take over the world.


Alyssa quickly fell asleep despite the blaring music. I decided to let her sleep since we had a good twenty minutes before we arrived at the venue. So i let my subconscious take over as I drove.

I had never really thought about how awkward Ty was around me. When we were around Josh or just people in general he was kind of withdrawn. But on the rare occasion it was just us, he was playful and oddly happy. Well that was before he saw me listening to his repugnant phone conversation.

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