Chapter: 2

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We were right in the middle of barricade. We waited until the fans flowed into the arena, and every empty space was quickly filled.

The opening act came and went and then a chant started. "T.O. P. YEAH!"

Soon the whole arena was chanting, including Alyssa and I. Then all the lights went dark, and i could faintly see Josh and Ty taking their positions. The crowd roared and spotlight shined on Ty and Josh. And I heard the familiar deep voice say "Under clothes, under skin, underneath we're all the same; for when you remove the tricky tricks, only skeleton bones remain" And Tyler fake shot Josh and then himself before Ode To Sleep started to play.

The way the crowd screamed the lyrics with Ty, and Josh wailed on his drums with everything he had was so surreal! I had experienced it many times before, but each time was better than the last.

The time came for Tyler to do his little dance on the piano and Josh to do his back-flip. Even though Josh had done this for quite awhile, i still got scared every time. He landed safely, as he did every time, and jumped back on his drums.

The song ended and Ty did a little speech about how happy he was that the clique sold out the venue. He continued talking "So before the show I asked Josh's little sister, Samaya and her good friend to give me two last minute song requests. So if you like these songs thank them." He chuckled.

Oh Ms. Believer started and I carefully listened. I had known the lyrics to all of their songs for awhile, but for the first time I felt like I understood this one.

It settled in that I had been wrong about Tyler. He's actually super caring and thoughtful, it's just the easiest way for him to express it was in these little odd riddles that come out in his songs.

Ty sang his little heart out, focusing on only the crowd. Josh sat and smiled at the crowd and Ty, obviously proud of what he had accomplished. The song ended just as soon as it started, it seemed. Then Ty was back talking into the mic.

"So this next song isn't actually mine. I just really like this song, called can't help falling in love-" The crowd squealed "Because it makes me think of someone special-"

"JOSH!" Someone from the pit yelled, and the whole arena roared with laughter.

"Yes Josh. No, this person doesn't know i care cause i'm shy too guys. I get scared and nervous, you're not alone. Anyways what i need you guys to do is sing the chorus with me as loud as you can!"

Josh didn't tell me Ty was interested in someone. Maybe it was one of their secrets for only them to know. I looked at Josh who had a confused expression on his face and his head was tilted to one side. Josh didn't know about Tyler's love interest? They always told each other everything! I was probably just thinking too much about it. Tyler's voice broke my thoughts and mesmerized me

"Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can't help falling in love with you." Tyler sang, but something was odd. He wasn't focused on the whole crowd this time. He was focused on only one person while singing. I followed his gaze, and what was odd is that he was looking at me. He was probably just looking for something familiar, but it was still weird.

His voice seared right through my chest and into my soul. It doesn't matter what Ty sings, his voice is powerful and I could listen to it all day. I guess I kinda already did

I was jumping and singing to guns for hands, and Alyssa was recording everything. I heard someone call my name behind me. So i turned around to find the source of the voice.

"Are you Samaya, Josh's sister?" The girl slurred, obviously drunk.

Yeah why?" I answered. I realized I knew this girl. She was a pretty popular vine editor that I really liked. Just as I was about to ask her if she wanted to take a picture with me, her fist collided with my cheek, hard.

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