Two Different Worlds - Punk Louis x Marcel -

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A/N - Hello, Im here with YET ANOTHER LARRY fic. But this one has Marcel in it Cx. So basically, Louis is Punk, Marcel is Marcel. You get the idea. Fan. Comment. Do something. xx

P R O L O U G E 

Marcel's P.O.V -

'Harry! Wake up, Hon!' My mom calls, knocking on my door. I groan in response, sitting up in my bed. Today is the first day back at school and I am not ready. I get up, opening my drawers and changing quickly. 

I stand in front of the mirror in my extremely hot room, my collar chaffing slightly. I adjust my glasses, glancing at the door slightly. Am I really ready for this? Another year of taunting, getting pushed throughout the halls, and being Zayn Malik's personal punching bag. 

'Harry, Honey, You're almost late!' I hear my mum yell from downstairs. I sigh, walking to the door, grabbing my phone on the way out. I can already tell this year is going to suck. Ill just be Marcel Styles, the kid everyone hates because hes smart and a nerd, the kid everyone pushes around because they can. Marcel Styles, the outcast.

What fun.

My mum has prepared a large breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon, all laid out perfectly on the table. 'Thanks mum.' I say, kissing her cheek as I sit at the table, trying to eat my food as quickly as possible. 

I try not to think of all the possibilities of what Zayn can do to me. I try not to think of what lies he's going to post around the school.

Why can't everyone just leave me alone? Just let Marcel be.... Marcel. I finish my plate and grab my bag from behind my chair. 'Bye mum, Bye dad, Bye Gems.' I say, kissing my mum and sister Gemma on the cheek and giving a wave to my stepdad before walking out the door.

I begin the fairly short walk to school, soon hearing voices behind me. Mocking voices. 

'Yo Marcel!' I hear a familiar voice call and I tense up but keep walking. 

Just ignore him.

'You get your arse over here now!'

Just keep walking.

I feel someone grab harshly at my collar and pull me back, causing a whimper to escape my lips. 'Zayn, please.. not today..' I hear him chuckle as he turns me around, leaving me face to face with a total stranger.

A total beautiful stranger.

'Say Hello to  Louis.' Zayn grumbles and I murmur a barely audible ' Hi.. '

'Awh. Im gonna have so much fun with you.' The stranger, Louis, spoke with a smirk. 

'F-Fun?' I ask, confused. 

Oh, dont tell me hes gonna beat me up too.

His smirk widens, reaching up to pull off my glasses before grabbing me close by the collar. 'I think you know what I mean, babe.' He says before pushing me down. His voice is soaked in poision, venom dripping out with every last word.

I stand up, dusting myself off with a scowl on my face. 'Stop.' I say. 'Stop treating me like im yours. Both of you.'

I swear that I see Louis's eyes soften for a minute before the turn dark again. 'You are ours.' He says, poking a finger at my chest. 'You. Are. Mine.'

Well, this is going to be a long year. 

'Get him, Lou.' Zayn says with a bored expression on his face.

'Gladly.' He says before punching me in the jaw. I let out a gasp in pain and fall to the ground with a whimper. 

'Bye babe.' Louis says, walking away with Zayn.

They go, leaving me there on my knees on the sidewalk, my hand cupping my jaw. It hurts so much.. I feel a few tears slip down my cheeks as Louis's words continue floating around my head. '

You. Are. Mine. 


So how'd you like it? I thought it was quite good..

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