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Louis was furious. Just so absolutely furious that he could practically feel smoke fuming out in a spiral from his ears.

He stormed himself to his car and drove (as fast as he could without getting pulled over) to Zayns house. He walked up the sidewalk, becoming angrier by the second.

He banged on the door with his knuckle, having Zayn open the door almost half a minute later.

"Hey Lou-" Zayn had begun in a friendly voice, but was interrupted by Louis's fist just as soon as he started his sentence.

Zayn stumbled backwards, his eyes seeming to turn dark. The younger boy brought his own fist back, ready to strike before Louis punched him again.

Zayn gasped, a little in surprisal, but mostly in pain.

Louis grasped Zayns collar, pulling him outside before throwing him roughly to the gray concrete.

"Louis!" Zayn coughed, standing up. " What in the bloody hell is this for?!"

" You're trying to take Harry from me! He's the only person I've loved since Stan and you're trying to take him!"

"I'm not trying to take him from you, Louis!"

Suddenly Louis's mind raced to the day when Louis told Zayn of Stan, and his love for "Marcel", or Harry, as Louis had told him.

** "Zayn can we talk?" Louis asked Zayn during lunch, picking at his salad with a fork.

" Yeah, mate. Shoot."

" I think I'm in love w-with..." The older boy paused for a minute, unsure if he was doing the right thing.

"With who, Lou?"

"Harry.." Louis spoke quietly, and Zayn furrowed his eyebrow, confused. He thought hard, trying to think if Louis had told him of a Harry.

"It's Marcel's real name.."

"You're in love with him?" Zayn asked in shock, genuinely surprised. He thought he had been the only one to notice Marcel's hidden perfection.

"Don't say it like that.. He's just.. Exactly like him.."

"Him? Who, Louis?"

" Stan..."


Flashback Zayns lips were still moving, even as he faded as Louis went into deep thought of another flashback.

* "Louis!" Stan laughed as 19-year-old Louis was tickling him. They were a cute couple, really adorable.

"Lou, I've gotta go to the market, babe!" Stan continued, giggling.

"Only if you say it!"

"Fine. King Assmaster Of Doncaster has the finest ass in the palace, and I am proud to be his Queen!"

"Wrong! It's Queen Assmaster."

"So what? Let me go!"

Louis smirked kissing his boyfriend before crawling off of him. Stan's hair was ruffled and he smiled widely, looking quite adorable.

"See you soon babe." Stan said, grabbing his coat and winking at Louis before walking out the door.

If Louis would've known what would've happened, he would've went with him. Or begged him to stay.

But in that very moment, Louis didn't know. And he's hated himself ever since.

Stan got into his car, pulling out and quickly getting onto the highway on the way to the tiny little market on 32nd street.

As Stan pulled up at a red light, he hadn't suspected anything. Everything was normal in that second.

But as soon as that second passed, and the light went green, things changed. Stan went like he was supposed to, and another car came crashing in, Stan's vehicle swerving off and landing upside down in a ditch.

Stan was killed instantly, the doctors had told Louis once the crying boy arrived. That only left his heart broken, and the tears streaming faster.

As Louis walked into Stan's room, having begged to see him one less time, he begun crying even harder.

His boyfriends eyes were shut, his arms limp around his also limp body. As Louis took his hand, he almost shivered from the coldness.

But Louis noticed something strange on his boyfriends arms. (SLIGHT TRIGGER WARNING!!) He turned his arms over, noticing angry red marks from the bottom of his hand to the edge of the inside of his elbow.

On both arms.

Louis let out a gasp, a choked sob following directly after. He squeezed the cold hand, wishing with everything in him that he would feel that warm and inviting squeeze back.

But nothing came.

He wanted to see those eyes again. Just see them open up. See him smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling up.

But were the smiles he had grown so fond of fake? Just a mask to hide Stan from the real world?  


Louis was sent back to reality by the familiar feel of hot tears running down his cheeks. Zayn realized that the broken image of his used-to-be best friend was real. The guy he thought was so strong, didnt turn out to be in the end. 

Louis fell to his knees, cupping his own face in his palms, and he cried. Zayn kneeled next to him, rubbing his back, trying desperately to calm him.

"I saw the marks, Zayn.. He really does do it.. He really does.." 

"I know, Lou.. I-Its okay.. W-We'll help him, yeah?"

Louis gave a small nod, truly not being able to see or think straight anymore. Like for instance when Zayn  helped him up, murmuring a small "You need some rest...", Louis couldnt even hear him. 

His eyes were open, locked on an image far away. An image that Louis desperately wanted back but he knew wouldnt. 

Louis's mind was set on Stan. Stan's hair, his eyes, his body, and his personality. Louis missed his Harry, but most of all he missed his boyfriend.



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