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Babam. Chapter six. Brand new. Probably really good. MORE 3RD PERSON ACTION CX 

Liam paced his classroom, waiting for a text from someone, anyone, who could give him any specific info on Harry. 

'This is all your fault' He mumbled angrily to himself, ashamed of what he had done. Why hadnt he just left it all alone? He picked up the newest school newspaper, and read the first page's second article for what felt like the 1000th time. 

Thanks to an anonymous subject, we now know that Marcel, or Harry, Styles cuts himself. His wrists, to be exact. The subject says he didnt exactly mean to see them, it was an accident, and he was worried.  

They needed a new staff, that was something mainly obvious. But another thing that laid, flat out obvious was how pathetic Liam James Payne was. 

He purposely ruined the love of his life's life. Well, not purposely. He didnt intend to, he didnt want to. But he had ruined it. Completely messed up his innocence. And as he watched Harry be carted off to the nurses, he felt horrible.

He had done this. 

Why didnt you just leave it, you pathetic arse

Liam thought to himself, except the voice in his head wasnt his own, but Harrys, making the pain excruciatingly worse.

He was done, he thought to himself. Completely done with this stupid worrying and waiting. Why did he care about Harry so much? He was a student for god sakes.

But Harry was more than a student on the true inside of Mr. Payne. 

He was a truely beautiful entity that left him with the old, warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Something that he hadnt felt since he was a bit younger than Harry.

Liam picked up his phone, quickly calling the nurse, and praying she answered. 

'Hello?' The nurse answered on the second ring, her voice echoing in Liams ears and he could barely hear himself ask of Harry's condition.

 ''Hes in a lot of pain. Broken nose, two broken ribs. And hes broken his left hand.'' 

Liam sighed, and tried to forget about everything, but he found himself focusing on  that familiar hospital noise. The one of Harry's heart beat. 




It hurt him even more to listen to that pathetic noise, the only proof that his own Harry was in fact, truly there and alive. Hurting, but alive. 

''Thanks Diane.'' He told the nurse quietly before quickly hanging up. He put his cell back on his desk and sat in his office chair, ashamed of himself. He had done this. 

He remembered Harrys face while he was talking to the bullies. He looked younger, more vulnerable. Liam wanted so much to go back and save him. Hold him in his arms and never let go. Never.

There was a knock at Liams door and as he said ''Come in.'' he swore it was someone elses voice. He sounded absolutely nothing like himself. And that wasnt too good. 

The door open and Zayn walked in, and Liams anger for Zayn came in like a semi-truck through the highway. 

''Get out.'' Liam said and Zayn frowned. 

All Liam could remember was how Zayn was harshly gripping onto his Harry when he was snogging him, when the only time he had touched him before was when he intended on having someone else bring him to the emergency room.

Zayn ignored the first comment and sat on Liams desk, right in front of him. ''Do you know anything about Harry?''

It was a sincere question, through and through, but Liam, he didnt care.

''Whats it to you?'' Liam scoffed.

Zayns frown seemed to expand. ''I happen to love him.''

''You beat the absolute shit out of him from 4th year to now to show your love? You're pathetic and I want you out.''  

Zayns look to Liam turned into a glare. He stood and turned back to Liam, going to say something, but he quickly closed his mouth.

He continued to storm out of the room but turned around once under the doorframe, deciding to speak the actual truth. 

'' I only tried t-to get with him.. to f-forget you..'' Zayn spoke quietly, and Liam could barely hear him. 

''What?'' Liam asked, completely in awe and shock that someone as bloody hot as Zayn would have a crush.. a crush on him?

Liam stood, completely ready to hold Zayn like he wanted to Harry, if he wanted himself to.\

''Just...'' Then it all happened.

Zayn Perfection Malik waltzed himself over to Liam,  cupping his face. Liam bit his lip for a second or two, before getting the hint and pressing his own lips to Zayns.

Maybe he could forget Harry..

Liam rested his larger hands on Zayns waist, pulling him in. 

But Zayn didnt need those steady hands on his waist to keep himself there. Liams scent was running through his nose, like a small child on a playground. 

The aroma was surrounding Zayn, and he found it so beautifully perfect, he stayed there, in that moment with his teacher. 

After a few minutes of just one long kiss, Liam deepens it, deciding Zayn was truly ready for the best kiss of his whole lifetime.

Zayn let out a tiny moan, his smaller body resting against Liam's bigger one as Zayn swiped his own tongue across the larger boys bottom lip, begging him for entrance.

Liam pressed his lips into a thin line, teasing the younger boy. 

''Mr Payne...'' Zayn whispered against their lips, a small whimper to his voice. 

Liam nodded and parted his lips, letting Zayn in.

Zayn pushed Liam back onto the whiteboard, and braced himself with Liam's shoulders as he licked into his mouth.

Mr. Payne moaned, pulling Zayn closer by the waist before their tongues finally met, and there went the sparks.

The sparks were exploding everywhere, like those pop rocks candy. Zayn let out a moan and Liam was almost hung at that moment.  

Yeah, he could definately get over Harry..


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