Chapter Twenty

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Chapter's song: Boys like you by Who is Fancy, Meghan Trainor and Arianna Grande. Love this song!!!

The sun was shining brightly in the morning. Our kitchen felt warm as the sunrays seeped through the windows. My hands hugged the cup of coffee in front of me. A faraway sight left my lips. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Bryan had touched my hair or his intense gaze. Someone bumped me on the shoulder making me spill my drink.


"Oh please, don't turn into one of those corny girls!" He whined as he slumped in one of the kitchen chairs. He wore a checkered pajama pants and a sponge bob t-shirt.

I raised an eyebrow. "What girls? And nice t-shirt, by the way."

"Thank you." He got up. "It's my favorite." He walked to the coffee machine, grabbed a mug and poured some for him. "And you know, all those stupid girls that are all the time sighing," he signaled me accusingly with a spoon, "like you just did."

I rolled my eyes. "First of all, I didn't sigh dreamily," I made quotation marks with my hands before getting a napkin. "It's lame, okay?" Seth raised an eyebrow while pressing his lips in a tight line. "And secondly," I dabbed at the coffee splatter, "There's nothing there."

My little brother placed his mug next to mine and sat by the table again. "You didn't notice the way he was looking at you." My stomach rolled. This was the second time someone said something like that. Could it be true?

Seth grinned at me. "Oh come on, just ask me what you're dying to!"

The kitchen's door screeched as our grandma came into the room. "Good morning, kids!" Juno chirped in. Her brows furrowed as her eyes moved from me to Seth and vice versa. "Everything okay?"

I glared at my brother for a moment. "Everything's fine, Juno." My lips quirked up at her wide smile, "How's the future bride-to-be?"

Her eyes sparkled excitedly before she crossed the room to get coffee. "I'm so excited for the wedding!" Seth glanced at me with a we-need-to-talk look. "Especially since we want to get married as soon as possible."

My eyes widened and Seth's brows furrowed. "Why so soon?" I asked nonchalantly, trying not to sound as freaked out as I felt.

"Oh, didn't I tell you?" She turned to us, a cup of coffee in one hand while the other cradled her belly. "I'm pregnant."

Seth choke while drinking coffee, coughing loudly, making a huge mess on the kitchen floor. My lips twitched as I suppressed a smile, because come on, Juno was almost seventy. No one can get pregnant at that age.

However, her smile was so wide that it made me doubt all biological explanations. My brows furrowed. No effing way. That's not possible. Seth was still coughing loudly next to me when she burst out laughing.

I breathed out relieved. "You should have seen your faces!" she said between laughs, her mug shaking violently, while spilling a bit of coffee. It didn't matter since Seth had made a huge mess before, anyway. Her laugh was contagious and I ended up laughing with her, especially because Seth looked like he was about to have a fit.

"You're not funny, Juno!"

That made her giggle even harder. "You need to have the talk again, Seth?" She left the mug on the counter and was completely bent over, holding her belly, laughing hard.

Seth rolled his eyes while glaring at us. "I'm not cleaning this up!" He said in his most serious tone. That sobered Juno up.

Still hiccupping, she rubbed her forehead, "You are going to clean this mess because I'm your grandmother and I say so."

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