One year later... (part 1)

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"I need your help."

The gravity of Seth's tone made my whole body freeze. I looked up for a second. The usual chaos in the kitchen seemed to slow down for a second. Jimmy was flipping a steak on the grill, the flames almost reached the cooker hood and the heat and smell of grilled meat reached my nostrils. Mary was chopping chives, her knife clashed against the cutting board at the same time.

I handed Tori the crafted plate of gnocchi I'd been working on. "Seth. What's wrong?" my tone was hushed because we weren't supposed to answer the phone in the kitchen but I had five missed calls. I knew something was wrong. Seth never called me more than once. Tori sent me a glare before walking away with the plate. "Hold on," I said to my little brother before placing the phone on my chest and glancing at one of my friends.

"Jimmy, are you done? Can you cover for me for five minutes?"

"No more, Jess. I've got three more orders to fill."

"Thanks." I sent him a grateful smile while Jimmy pursed his lips and walked to my station. I just had to fill one more order of gnocchi and I could have a five-minute break.

"Seth. What's up?" I said in a normal tone once I left the kitchen behind. I leaned on the door and passed a hand across my face. It had been a busy night. My feet were killing me already and my shift would be over in four hours.

"I... I..."

"Seth! I'm risking my neck out here! You know how hard I've been working to get that sous-chef position!"

"Sorry. I know, I know."

"Just spill it."

I heard him sigh before blurting out, "My condom broke."

My mouth fell open. "What?"

"Amy is crying hysterically and it's the first time we do it and I don't know what I did but the thing is broke and oh my God, I'm seventeen, I can't have a baby right now!"

His first time?

I still didn't find the thought comforting, though. He was still so young!

Focus, Jess. Focus.

"Don't freak out. Go hug Amy, and tell her that it will be okay. Because it will be. Don't worry. Give me a minute to think things through and I'll get back to you."

"Okay..." my little brother sounded as scared as when he was five and was afraid of the dark. I tilted my head as my heart soared for him.

"Wait! Amy is a year older than you, right?" I remembered her saying so, embarrassing Jess because he was younger than her, even though they were in the same year. I couldn't even remember why she had lost one school year, I was totally freaking out because my brother had just confessed me that he was having sex.

"Yes! But I would never ask her to have an abortion!"

"Oh my God Seth. Calm the fuck down. I don't think she's even pregnant."

"Oh God, I hope so..."

"Let me think things for a minute and I'll get back to you, okay?"

"Yes. Thank you Jess."

"No problem. Go comfort your girlfriend."

We hung up and I walked inside the kitchen just to check if I had orders. There were none. I thanked Jimmy who was back at his grilling station. He bobbed his head once before turning away.

Jimmy was incredibly moody but he was a real friend. He'd step up for anyone in the restaurant cooking team if it were needed. He just wore a big-bad bear mask for everyone, but was really a softie inside.

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