Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter's song: Take Me Home by Jess Glynne

Over the next few days, the season started to change. The breeze was colder and the trees were starting to change colors; the shops had fall decorations on their windows displays. Thanksgiving was just around the corner.

It was the holiday that mattered the most in our house. Juno would make a delicious turkey and we'd make sweet potato puree and apple pie. We usually stuffed ourselves to the point where you couldn't move from the couch, but it was awesome. I loved it.

I wondered if we'd have a turkey this year. The thought of seeing Mr. Gomez grilling some steaks made me frown. I hoped Juno wouldn't alter our traditions much now that he was in the picture.

The air nipped my cheeks as I crossed the street and I hugged myself as I stood in front of the school's building. My steps faltered. Bryan's Jeep wasn't there. Again. My heart tightened and I bit my lip. I had no idea what had happened, where he was, or if he was okay. I hated feeling like left out.

Exhaling, I entered the building. Two things caught my attention. First, the door was already unlocked, meaning that someone was there and the second was the smell. It was too sweet. Sickly sweet, and only one person smelled like that: Nadia, Tom's girlfriend.

I cringed inwardly as I took the stairs and went straight to my little office. Just as I was setting out my ingredient list for the week, the perfume filled my nostrils and I heard a knock on the door. I glanced up and found Tom looking at me with a sheepish, almost guilty smile. His girlfriend was behind him.

"Good morning Jess, Nadia is coming over to help us for the rest of the week." I pressed my lips in a tight line. I doubted she could cook, and I bit the inside of my cheek not to ask about Bryan's whereabouts.

Tom cleared his throat. "I've already scheduled the whole week's classes and Nadia will be here if you need anything." Her gaze was cold while her lips curved up in the fakest of smiles. Freaking awesome.

"Tom," she tapped her boyfriend's shoulder, "Maybe Jess wants a few days off? I mean she can't do much with one hand." She raised her eyebrow and I swear I saw an evil glint in her eyes.

My whole body tensed as I grind my teeth. I don't need a day off. My stomach plummeted to the ground. I just need to know what was going on with Bryan.

"I'm fine. I'm going to the hospital tonight to get the stitches out." I glanced at Tom, ignoring her.

Tom turned to Nadia. "That works, right?" She narrowed her eyes as he added, "Good, I know you'll have everything ready for today's class." He nodded to himself. "Nadia, would you like a coffee? I can finally use the bloody coffee machine."

My right hand twitched, as I wanted to speak out. I mean, it was Bryan's favorite appliance. Then again, Bryan was nowhere in sight. They can wreck it for all I care.

I wasn't in the best mood when the rest of the students arrived. The theme of the class was sushi and even though I love sushi, I couldn't concentrate much. Plus, you needed both hands, so there was not much I could do.

Monica and Andrew were my team and I acted out like a proper chef, giving them directions, and testing the final product, but not really doing anything. They didn't mind me bossing them around, and even cooked more than what we needed. I knew Seth was going to be happy to see how many food I was taking home. However, I wasn't even hungry, so I didn't even taste them.

After they cleaned up our kitchen station ─the only thing I was glad I couldn't help much on─ Monica stared at me with her hands on her hips and narrowed eyes. Oh man. "Is there anything I can help you with?" I busied myself folding my chef coat with one hand, which was not an easy task.

"What's up girl? Hasn't your hot chef called you?"

Groaning, I creased the coat into a ball and pushed it inside my backpack. "He's not mine, Monica." And no, he hasn't called. Darn it.

My friend's eyes softened. "Maybe he's got a lot in his mind," she trailed carefully, her voice soft and sort of condescending at the same time. "Didn't you say you were going to call him?"

"I didn't say that. You did."

She rolled her eyes. "Same thing."

Nadia barged in, carrying an iPad in her hands, observing everyone and making some notes. She looked annoyingly perfect like always. Most of the guys stopped working to stare at her. Monica and I shared a look before walking away.

I wasn't staying here after school, that was for sure. Nadia wanted me out and I didn't want to be around her either.

"So, you're not calling him?" Monica added as we stepped outside the school.

"I need to go to the hospital," I raised my bandaged hand, "see you tomorrow?" Monica seemed like she wanted to say something else, but closed her mouth, nodding.

I texted Seth to let him know that I was out. He asked me in the morning to let him know and I figured he was going through that overprotective brother phase again. Especially since I'd been off for the last few days.

The stench of chlorine bombarded me as I pushed the hospital's doors open, and a cute guy held the door for me because I wasn't that strong with one hand, when I spotted Seth in the waiting room.

"What are you doing?" I asked as soon as I approached him. He was dressed in sweatpants and had a sports t-shirt on top.

He stood up, with a shy smile on his face. "I knew you had your appointment, so I came here after school."

My eyes widened as I touched my throat. "You've been waiting here for over an hour?"

"Yup," he shrugged nonchalantly as my heart warmed for him.

I grinned. "You're a big softie, you know that?"

Seth rolled his eyes as I tried to ruffle his hair, but it was kind of pointless because he was too tall and I couldn't reach him. "I know how you feel about hospitals Jess, and that Bryan is acting out like a jerk right now. He's not even here, right?" He looked behind, knowing full-well that I was on my own.

My stomach plummeted to the ground. "Come on, you know how doctors make you wait," I murmured, gesturing to the elevators where the doctor office was.

Seth was right. Bryan was a jerk, and it was clear that there was nothing serious going on between us.

 Bryan was a jerk, and it was clear that there was nothing serious going on between us

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So, a few more chapters until the end. They might be 10 or so, I'm not sure, but I already have the final scene planned! :)

 They might be 10 or so, I'm not sure, but I already have the final scene planned! :)

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