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Thank you to everyone who has read this fan-fiction

Disclaimer- I do not own divergent Veronica Roth does

*Tris POV*

Recap: When I finally pull into the parking lot I see.......

I see 5 different buildings, 1 is blue (Erudite), 1 is white with black stripes (Candor), a plain grey building (Abnegation), a yellow and red one (Amity), and finally a plain black one (Dauntless).

I quickly parked my car in the closes spot by the entrance of the black building, because during the summer they made me take a test to see which "faction" I would suit better and I guess I am brave!

When I got out everyone was staring at me, the new girl. I held my head low and quickly walked inside ignoring everyone gawking at me and my car.

When I finally found the office and walked in I was greeted by an older looking lady with black hair with blue and purple (wanted to change it up a bit XD) she noticed me when I walked in and said "what are you here for?" With a small smile on her face

I replied with "I am here for my schedule"

"Name please"

Replied with "Beatrice Prior but I would like to be called Tris"

She printed out my schedule and handed it to me and said "I have you in my class for art and music"

I smiled at her and walked out of the hallway looking at my schedule which is

Locker #290
Combo 18-37-16

English- Mrs. Ellixion
Spanish- Mrs.Valdez

When I run into a tall girl (everyone is tall to me I am 5'2) and I fall down on my butt

Starts apologizing saying "OMG! I am such a klutz I am so sorry!"

"It's ok but can u help me find my locker #290?"

"Sure that's right by locker!"

And off we went to my locker

When we got there there was someone standing their that I thought I would never see again

And as I looked down at my hands I saw them starting to frost up

Oh no

Yay another chapter done! Thank u guys for reading! Please review!

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