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*Tris POV*

I roll over wondering what that awful sound is. Oh gee it's my best friend, my alarm clock ( note the sarcasm). My alarm clock reads 6:30 am. Also known as the time when I have to start getting ready for school. I am totally dreading today not only because it is a new school but because I have never been to a public school before. I was always home schooled.

So with that I get up and trudge my way over to my bathroom which is connected to my room. And I take a 15 minute shower.

When I look at the clock I see that I have 30 minutes until I have to leave for school so I quickly go over to my closet and throw on a tight fitting black crop top, that shows off my black belly button ring, and a pair of high wasted ripped black jeans with black heeled ankle boots (picture).

I know what you are thinking. A lot of black. But hey it is my favorite color.

With that I have 20 minutes left so I go over to my mirror and just brush out my waist length wavy blond hair. And let it cascade down my shoulders. I also apply blood red lipstick and mascara. When I finish that I head downstairs but not before putting on my black gloves to make sure that I don't accidentally use my powers. Well I guess I should explain. Well I have had ice powers for about 5 years (I'm 16) and I can't really control when I use them. So that is why I use the gloves. Not even my parents or my brother know about it.

I walk into the the kitchen and grab an apple and sling my black backpack over my shoulder and I walk out to my Audi R8 in Matt black and head to school.

When I finally pull up into the parking lot I see.......

OMG I can't believe I am actually writing a story!!!

Comment if I should continue this or just give up on it!

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I promise it will get better as I get further into the story

See you later polar bears (yeah or nah)
~ Liz

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