When I wake

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I wake with a punding headach and as I look around and I take in my surroundings.

I see dark walls almost black and a tilled grey floor. And a staircase on the left with a door at the top.

And as I look around more I fimd Kaylee chained to the wall by her hands and I see that she is still unconcious. Just then I register that I am chained by my hands to the wall also.

Then I here the door at the top of the steps open and in comes Peter.

He looks at me laughes and says"how was ur reat u where out for a pretty long time after I injected u. I am surprised ur friend hasn't woken up yet. I hope we didnt kill her."


Oh don't worry it was only a little something to draon ur powers so u wouldnt be able to escape."

I was in shock.

"Why would u do that we never dod anything to u!?"

"Oh really well I just dont want u in the picture u guys or girls are becoming to powerful amd i dont really enjoy that."

"So what are u going to do to us?"

"Well with time u will suffer and eventually die. Well if ur friend hasnt yet i will send someome in to check that out."

And then he trotted back up the steps and into the door. Then someone else comes out. He looks like a doctor so i ask "why r u here r u working for Peter?"

He looks at me and says "No I dont work for him he kidnapped me a few weeks ago and i was sent to see if the girl in this room was still alive."


He then went over to Kaylee and checked her pulse

And by the look he gave my I already knew the answer she was................

➡️➡️➡️➡️HEY GUYS IM BACK!!!! Thank u guys for all of the reads...we reached over 20!!! Omg that might not seem like alot to you but it is to me!! I have never written a book before so this is pretty exciting. Thank you for reading and if you have any ideas for this book please comment down below and vote!!! Till next time

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2016 ⏰

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