Chapter 15

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It was in the middle of the night, they were driving through the vast openness of of the road, off to another city and Michael couldn't sleep. He wanted to sleep, but he couldn't. Calum was snoring softly into his ear snuggled up to Michael's side. Michael wanted that, to closed off from the world for a couple of hours. He just wanted to sleep, dream of puppies, or Calum or anything really, but he couldn't and it was making him anxious. He decided that he needed to get up because all he wanted to do was toss and turn but he didn't want to wake Calum up so he grabbed his phone and luckily he was on the outside so he was quick to slide out soundlessly. The bus was quiet, so he made his way to the back bus and shut the door as quiet as possible so he could lounge around, maybe playing some video games would make him tired, but then he realized the time and noticed his parents would be awake and maybe he should give them a call so that's what he does. He quickly dials his home phone number and waits for someone to pick up. 

"Hello?" His mom voices comes through the phone.

"Hi Mom." Michael whispers.

"Oh hi honey! Isn't it really late there?" She questions him.

"Yes, I couldn't sleep, I just feel restless." 

"Is there something on your mind that's bothering you?" 

"I'm not sure...I mean apparently Calum and I aren't very good at keeping our feelings hidden. Fans have noticed and thing something is going on and I don't know how to feel about that. If I should act on them or is best to not say anything at all. I just worry, not about me, but how Calum would feel if we got outed to the public. I'm not ready for the world to know Mom." 

"Then if you're not ready don't say anything, and when you are ready make sure you talk with Calum first, and make sure you are both on the same page before going forward." His mom tells him. 

"But what about in the meantime?" 

"You're going to have to learn to be hidden honey, you know we will always support you and your choices, and you know we love Calum so we don't care what you do or when you decide to come out we will still be here for you." 

"Thanks mom." Michael smiles even though his mom can't see him.

"Anytime honey." 

"I love you, and miss you." 

"We are always a phone call away, and we can skype sometime soon okay?" 

"Sounds great! I should probably try to get some sleep." 

"Good idea, sweet dreams love you lots and I'll let you dad know you called." 

"Thanks Mom, love you." And then they are hanging up. 

Michael always felt better after talking with his mom, he was close with his parents, he always enjoyed his time with him, and sometimes being on the road it causes his heart to ache, but it always feels better hearing his parent's on the other line. He was tired, but he felt like he couldn't fall asleep just yet so he decided on putting a movie on and falling asleep to that. 

He grabs a blanket from off the floor and searches netflix for something to watch, settling on an old Adam Sandler movie and curling up on the couch, and hopefully Michael will be able to fall asleep. 


Calum woke up with no Michael in his bed which was odd because Michael was the sleeper of the bunch, he was always the last one up and the one they always had to drag out of bed when they were running late so to wake up without Michael was odd for Calum. Calum got off the bed and made his way to the kitchen, taking note no one is in the bathroom, and Ashton was the only one sitting at the table. 

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