I sit here while you say
Everything You have to say
I sit here while you yell
And rage on
And on
I sit here and silence
Knowing what I Want to say
I never say what I want
I will never have the courage
To say what I need to
I'll never be able to stand up to you
You think I might be a emo
You think I'm going to be one
If I were to be an emo
It wouldn't it be all my fault
There is a reason everything Happens
Why is the reason
You use labels
While everyone tries to connect
Labels just divide us
So I sit here knowing what to say
But not saying it
I don't stand up to you
I don't stand up to anyone
I want to do something about this
But I have no courage
To do so
If I try to speak out
I won't be able to breathe
I'll be suffocated
With everyone watching
So you yell on and on
I think to myself I'm okay with being an
It means I can be myself
It means I'm not like everyone else
It means I don't care what you think of me