Drunken Lullaby (ChilledMexican)

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*The song above was the inspiration for this story*

With the cold bottle pressed against his lips, Max takes a big gulp of whiskey, burning the back of his throat as it goes down. His eyes are blood-shot, not only from all of his drinking, but because of the many tears that had escaped earlier, after he woke up from a dream about him.

It had been almost three months; however, he wasn't able to deny it. He was still in love with Anthony, but Anthony could not love him back. Not anymore anyways. Not after that stupid fight. The stupid fight, that ended their two year long relationship, and destroyed his career.

It had been his fault. He chose to stream until late at night, when he knew that Anthony wanted to go see Ze and Ritz in the morning. He knew that he promised to end the stream early that night, because he knew Anthony wanted to go have fun, without having Max's hangover holding him back. He knew that they were on thin ice after he had forgotten Valentine's Day the week before. But at that moment, he didn't think, or he didn't care.

He takes another gulp of whiskey thinking about the fight, coughing as it goes down, burning away what little remains of his soul.

Anthony's voice rings through his head. The moment Max had walked into the bedroom, his cheeks were bright red, and his eyes were even redder, Anthony started yelling. He told Max everything and told him how pissed he was that Max went back on his word, but Max didn't care. He told Anthony to shut up and that they'll just meet with their friends a little later. Anthony continued to yell, however. He was tired of Max doing this all the time. He wanted there to be a change. But Max wasn't listening. Or, at least Anthony thought he wasn't.

Max took a long, heavy gulp, as he hears the loud smack in his memory.

Anthony fell to the floor and was in shock. In Max's drunken mind, he saw nothing wrong with hitting Anthony, but that was enough to sober himself up. He knew it was wrong. He loved Anthony, and never wanted to hurt him. He swore he would never hurt him, but with his hazy mind, he pretty much threw that out the window.

Max fell to his knees and begged Anthony to forgive him. Tears started to pour down his already red eyes. "I didn't mean to. I-I don't know what came over me. I'm so-I'm so sorry!"

Anthony didn't care. He just calmly told Max to forget it and to go to bed. When they crawled into bed, Anthony refused to face Max, and told Max to stay away from him. Max knew he fucked up, but he didn't know how badly until the next morning.

He throws the now empty bottle at the wall, smashing it and causing the little pieces of glass to fall into a pile on the floor, that has been growing bigger and bigger as the day goes on. He then opens the refrigerator door and pulls out a new bottle. Once he opens it and takes another big gulp, he starts thinking about the morning after.

He woke up, head pounding, and he felt sick. He quickly rolled to the side of the bed and threw up into a trash can that Anthony had put there, knowing he would be sick. He then looked up onto his nightstand and saw some aspirin and a glass of water, which he happily took. Once he downed to glass of water, he looked down at Anthony's side of the bed and saw a piece of paper on his pillow. He picked up the paper and read what was written on it.

He took a long, slow drink. The bottle was starting to shake as tears started to build up, and he was trying to keep himself from crying again.

The note told him that he was tired, and he couldn't stay with him anymore. Max's heart shattered.

He drank more. His throat was burning still, but he made sure to keep every single drop down. No matter how much it hurt.

Without warning, Max stopped talking to his friends. He stopped recording. He stopped streaming. He stopped uploading. He hasn't even checked his emails, his phone, or any of his social media pages. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't deserve to have such good people in his life, considering how badly he had treated Anthony. He deserved to be alone.

Hell, he had even sent Malcolm to Renee's house in order to keep the dog safe from him. He didn't even deserve the love that dog gave him.

Once he empties the bottle, he throws it into the wall, and he slowly picks himself off of the floor. He stumbles his way back to his room, stepping on the glass on the floor, knowing that he threw them at just the right spot, where it would cover the floor in front of the only entrance to the kitchen. Once he was in his room, he falls into his bed, and he grabbed a picture he kept by his bed. It was a picture of him and Anthony. Back when they were happy. Back when he felt like he was a good boyfriend.

He feels his heart start to slow down and his blood go cold. The last of the whiskey was finally doing what Max had been hoping for.

His breathing slows down with each passing second, and the picture starts to become hazy. So he slowly closes his eyes as he thinks of what is written on the back of the picture. It was a note for Anthony.

I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I don't expect you to take me back. But, know that I'll always love you until I die.


The sun starts to set over the tall buildings surrounding the field of tombstone, and the groundskeeper, who was making his rounds, having to lock all the entrances to the cemetery and tell a certain young man that it was time for him to leave.

He knew he was there. He's been coming to the cemetery every day for over a week. Always there to see the same man. The poor man drank so much that...

His heart started to break as he walked up to the young man. He was able to hear him crying from a few rows down. Once he was behind him, all he did was put a hand on his shoulder, and walk away. That told him everything.

Anthony wiped away his tears and took a few deep breaths. "L-looks l-like I-I have to go, M-Maxie." His voice was still shaky from his heavy sobs.

Anthony felt so horrible. If he had just stayed and talked things over with Max calmly, instead of leaving and letting him fall down the path he did, he would still be here. Yes, Max had hit him, but it was no more than a slap. He had gotten worse from their friends, and he was so hard on himself after it had happened. He knew Max never meant to hurt him, but at the time, it was the worst thing to ever happen.

That was, until he had gotten a call from Renee, in tears, telling him that she found Max. Something that wouldn't have happened if they just talked. It didn't even have to be that day. He had three months to talk to Max, but he ignored him. That only made things worse.

Picking himself up off the ground, he said goodbye to Max's tombstone and walked out of the cemetery. He made his way back to the apartment he was now renting. It was only a few blocks away from the cemetery, so it was perfect for him at this moment.

Along the way back home, he decided to stop by the grocery store to pick up some frozen food. Then, on his way to the cashier, he made a quick detour to pick up a bottle of whiskey.

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