Stay Silent (GaLty)

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A wedding. There is no where else you will find so much love in one place. Family and friends gather together to share the love that two simple people have for each other. However, behind that love, there is also so much sadness.

Tears fill the room, most from joy, but for John, it is from his broken heart.

It seemed like yesterday that John had him in his arms. Only a few days ago that they were going out on dates every week, playing together every day, and sleeping in the same bed every night. But, all of that was years ago. It was also many years ago when John met Tom, and Anthony became suspicious about his intentions with his boyfriend.

Although John and Tom were nothing but friends, Anthony felt that there was more between them, and he had told John about these feelings. John ignored Anthony's feeling and continued his friendship with Tom, and day by day, Anthony started getting pushed away. After a very stupid fight over Tom, John had walked out and met up with the very friend that was the cause of the fight, and they started drinking. It wasn't until the next morning when John had realized his mistake. 

He came clean to Anthony about the night before in tears, but Anthony had gone cold. He wanted John out. He didn't want to see him again. It took the two years to talk to each other and they had just become friends again. The fact that Anthony invited John to the wedding was a bit surprising, but he wasn't too surprised after he found out who he was marrying.

Now, John sits in a crowd of people, watching the love of his life marry one of his best friends. And now, the chance to speak up has come.

"If anyone objects to this marriage, let them speak now, or forever hold your peace."

All John has to do is stand and tell Anthony that he loves him. Tell him that he was sorry for that one, stupid night, and that he wants him back. But he doesn't.

John hangs his head as tears start to fall from his face. As much as he loves Anthony, he can't ruin his wedding day. So he kisses away his final chance to tell Anthony that he loves him, and he doesn't stand up until the people around him do to clap for them. He forces a smile and will congratulate him on his marriage. He will hold his feelings close to his heart until the day he dies, no matter how much it hurts him. For all he now wants, is for GaLm to be happy. Whether it be with him, or without him.

He then takes a deep breath and look to his right, only to see an empty seat. He looks around, and realizes that his current boyfriend was gone. Confused, he turns to his friends, Adam and Cathy and asks, "Have you guys seen Chilled anywhere?"

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