Let me in

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After class Stiles and I went to Diggy's Pizza, I sat on a table while he brought the food. 

-Are you ever gonna tell me how did you learn those moves? -Stiles said taking a bite from his piece of pizza.

-Are you still intrigued about that? it's nothing out of the ordinary... unlike werewolves that is -I laughed drinking soda.

-A girl your size doesn't necessarily know those things... -Stiles said serious as I looked up to him.

-I didn't really lived on the best place in Arkansas so I took taekwondo classes to keep me safe -I looked away.

-So you aren't that harmless after all... -Stiles said laughing.

-I mean Im pretty sure that won't work against the strength of a werewolf -I drank soda.

-But werewolves aren't the only danger in here -Stiles said concerned.

-Anyway, can I ask you something? -I said smiling to him.

-S-sure -he nervously said.

-Why is Isaac so mysterious with you all of a sudden? -I asked as Stiles choked on his food- Are you okay Stiles? -I asked as he drank soda.

-Isaac... uh... you know... stuff about wolfies -Stiles said nervously laughing.

-That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard you making Stiles -I laughed hard.

-He asks me to keep an eye on you alright? -he said drinking more soda, nervous.

-Why? -I ask leaning closer to Stiles.

-W-why? I don't know ask him why... why would I know? right? -Stiles said.

-Right... well he said he was sorry for asking you to keep an eye on me, I was just making sure that was true -I laughed.

-H-he did?! -Stiles asked yelling.

-Uh yes? this has nothing to do with me being psychic right? -Stiles looked at me trying to find another excuse- Stiles don't lie, I want the truth now.

-Uh... well... uh... did you just accepted the pizza to interrogate me?! -he asked mad.

-No of course not, Im just taking advantage of it since we're already here, together you know -I said.

-Ask him about it, you need to talk to him not me, Im just being a good friend -he got up from the table.

-Stiles? -I asked confused.

-Call me back when you're done talking about Isaac -Stiles said leaving the place, angry.

I really didn't want this to go that way... why was Stiles so mad about me asking about Isaac? I got up from the table and walked outside, I started walking towards my house. It was already a little bit dark, around 8pm but the Pizza restaurant wasn' that far from my place, about three blocks away. Scott's house was about five blocks away so I thought on going visit, to maybe talk to Isaac. On my way I heard something behind me, so I started walking a little bit faster, suddenly a boy appeared in front of me "Well hello sweetie" he said as I rolled my eyes "Seriously?" I said trying to fight him back when someone took me from behind after I punched the other man on the face, the one facing me flipped his knife and cut my arm while we were struggling. "I like girls who fight back but you didn't think I was alone, right?" the man facing me said, they looked around 19 years old. "Take the money if that's what you want" I said trying to get out of the man behind me. "We will take that, but later, first we want-" he said as suddenly someone punched him on the back making him fall unconscious. I let out a small scream when the man behind me put a knife on my throat "Stay away" he said as I saw two golden eyes looking straight to where I was "Not a chance" he said jumping on the man making me fall on the ground, when I looked behind me the other man was unconscious aswell. "Isaac" I said when he turned to me, with his eyes back to the serene blue they were and his hands without claws and his teeth perfectly normal.

-Your house is a block away from here, what are you doing here -Isaac asked.

-Isaac... I... I wanted to talk to you -I said getting up walking towards him.

-Me? -he asked confused.

-Yeah... I actually wanted to ask you something -I said facing him.

-What? -he said avoiding eye contact.

-Look at me -I said taking his hands.

-W-what? -he nervously said trying to keep eye contact.

-What are you afraid of? -I asked as he pressed his lips.

-I... Im afraid of losing the people I care about -he said without hesitate.

-Like your friends?

-And like you -he said as I looked at him impressed.

-Then you can't push me away, you have to let someone in -I said leaning closer to him.

-Im not pushing you away, Im protecting you, do you have any idea what happened to the girl Derek cares about when the alpha pack found out he had one? -Isaac said shaking.

-N-no... -I weakly said.

-They took her because they know she was his weakness and they almost got her killed... I don't... I don't want that to happen to anyone I care about -he said with wattery eyes looking.

-Isaac remember what I said? this is different, Im no normal girl, I am like Lydia and she is hooking up with one of the twins, that's even more dangerous that what Im willing to risk -I said softly taking his face, making him look up to me.

-You know what you're willing to risk but I don't Im not willing to risk your life-

He said before I softly kissed him on the lips, he kissed me back and I looked at him. He put his forehead with mine, with his eyes closed. 

-Don't think about what you're willing to risk, did Derek stop seeing that girl he cared for? -I asked as Isaac shaked his head.

-No... -he said.

-Then why would you? -I said as he kissed me again.

"C'mon Im walking you home" he said as I smiled walking beside him. I put my arm around his as we walked. As soon as we got to my house I hugged him, he didn't hug me back but I rubbed my face on his chest "Im not letting go unless you hug me" I said as he laughed "Alright" he said putting his arms around me. "Do you want to go upstairs for a little while?" I askes as he looked away "It's almost 9:30pm you should probably go straight to bed" he said as I punched him on the chest "Hey what was that for?" he said complaining. "For being a jerk" I said as I turned my back walking to the door when he grabbed me by the arm "Alright just for a little while" he said as I smiled, still with my back facing him so he didn't see it. We went upstairs and I leaned on the bed, he sat beside me.

-Aren't you going to lay on the bed? -I asked as he shaked his head.


-Not even Derek looks as cold as you Isaac -I said hugging him from the back.

-Im not cold Im...

-Scared I know -I rubbed my nose on his neck.

-Scared... -he weakly said turning his torso to me, looking at me.

-C'mon let's just lay in here for a little bit, I feel protected when you're around -I said smiling as he blushed- oh is that you blushing? -I teased as he shaked his head.

-N-no of course not -he nervously said.

He leaned on the bed and I put my arms around him from the back, pulling him closer to me "Could you not squeeze me that much? my ribs are still healing" he said as I let go a little bit "Oh right Im sorry" I said laughing. "Isaac" I said after a while "Uh?" he said right after "Don't ever leave me... please" I said rubbing my face on his back. He remained in silence for a little bit, with a shocked expression on his face then he then turned around to me looking at me straight in the eyes "I... won't" he said kissing my forehead.

Heartstone (Isaac Lahey - Teen Wolf / completed)Where stories live. Discover now