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"I'll call you later, yes" I heard as soon as I entered the kitchen, Scott was there, having breakfast. There was no sign of his mom though so I sat on a chair next to him.

-Can you explain to me what happened last night?

-Isaac tried to take the twins down by himself -he said looking down.

-Is he freaking stupid or what? -I yelled.

-It wasn't his fault Ellie, it was mine because I wasn't there to help them -he said ashamed.

-Where were you?

-I... was with Allison, we were reading some maps.

-Maps?! What for?! -I yelled angry.

-To find their hideout, there must be a hideout somewhere.

-They could've been killed.

-This was just a warning Ellie, so we would stop looking for a way to kill Deucalion.

-They're much stronger than you guys... are you sure it's worth it? -I said trembling.

-They are the ones following us, going behind us because...

-They want you to join them.

-And they're killing innocent people Ellie.

"Guys can you help me get up?" Isaac yelled from the room, both of us went there and helped him get up. "Are you feeling better Isaac?" I asked worried as he smiled "Yes, totally" Scott smiled too "We're lucky today is saturday, so no school" he laughed. "Scott, Isaac can stay at my place tonight, my moms gonna have a shift at night and she won't be getting home any soon" Scott laughed "Alright, of course I'd give you both a lovers time" Isaac blushed and I nervously laughed "Shut up" I said helping Isaac walk to the bathroom.

After he took a shower and put on some clothes, we went to my place, I helped him to lay on my bed and I put a blanket on him. I leaned beside him turning the tv on.

-I have to say I love the McCall's mansion but having a personal nurse for myself isn't that bad either -he said laughing.

-Is that so? -I said laughing.

-I don't know what I'd do if I lose you -he said serious, suddenly breathing faster.

-Why did you say that? -I asked worried.

-I know they want you but I won't let them have you -he said giving me a soft kiss on the forehead.

-Don't worry about me, worry about you I almost punched you in the face if you wouldn't have been that injured -I lifted a fist.

-Im stronger than you, oh and faster, that wouldn't have worked -he said taking my hand and tangling his fingers with mine.

-If something ever happens to you Isaac I swear I'd bring you to life somehow and I'd kill you myself just for being a freaking moron -I said angry.

-Im scared too trust me... I don't want to end up dying either... but if I have to I will... to protect the people I love, all I have left -he said with watery eyes.

-Im sorry... -I said noticing he remembered about his family.

-I want to protect what I love too, what I have left -I said with a sigh.

He nodded as I got closer to him, softly leaning my head on his chest, putting my free hand on his chest aswell.

-We don't know what might happen -he said.

-Let's make a promise then.


-Stay alive, if we get out of this alive then it would be enough.

Heartstone (Isaac Lahey - Teen Wolf / completed)Where stories live. Discover now