Chapter 1

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Author's note: This story takes place five years after the time of the movie Brave, and a year after the time of the movie How To Train Your Dragon 2. Httyd3 is not incorporated in this story; therefore, whatever past that Hiccup has between Httyd2 and this story is of my own accord, not related to the 3rd movie. Please read with this in mind! Thank you!


Upon the fate of the Sun, an infant was born. Unlike most children, the Sun's offspring was born in the middle of the day and not at the brink of night. Therefore, this child, the child of the Morning Star, would be destinied to return to its original haven, the skies.


Awaking to the light of the morning, Merida Dunbroch turned in her bed to face the window. From her angel, only the tips of the nearby trees could be seen, along with the sky. How she loved the sky. So pretty yet dangerous. Much like herself.

Merida yawned, stretching her limbs to their full extent. Groaning, she covered her face with her hands. Though she loved the sky all bright and sunny, she hated mornings. Mornings for Merida meant duties, responsiblities, and expectations. For, to Meridas unfortunance, she was a princess- Princess Merida of Dunbroch.

Knowing that her mother would be coming soon, Merida got up and changed into a teal dress with a red flannel cloth wrapped around her waist. Her necklace, with the symbol of her clan, was the final touch to her scottish outfit. It was a circular image of bears laced in silver and blue jewels, perfect for representing Dunbroch.

Merida heard a knock on her door.

"Come in," she answered. Her mother, Queen Elinor, stepped in.

"My, you're ready early, dear," her mother acknowledged, walking up next to Merida as her daughter examined herself in the mirror. Merida usually was still in bed at this time. Her mother was impressed, something accomplished rarely in their relationship.

Merida replied, "Thank you, mum. Are you ready for breakfast now?" The queen grabbed a leather string.

"Not until I get this fire back down to earth!" she declared. Merida sighed. She had a full head of long red curls. It would take twice as much time now getting to breakfast to tame her red curls. Her hair was almost as stubborn as she was. Almost.

A while after, Merida and her mother smiled at the reflection of her red pony-tale, pulled back at the expanse of both women complaining. Finally, it was time for breakfast! In the castle of Dunbroch, food was always a plenty, and their family ate a lot of it, especially Meridas triplet brothers.

Meridas brothers, Hubert, Hamish, and Harris, were the "wee devils" of the castle, and, frankly, the whole land, according to Merida. "They could get away with murder!" she always claimed, much to no use at having them stopped from performing their mischeif.

Exiting Meridas bedchambers, the two women walked down to the dinning hall of the castle. Merida was now starving. Usually she could wait to eat without feeling famished, but since she had gotten up earlier than what she was used to, she felt as if she could eat as much as a viking. Her mother would disapprove of her appitite this morning.

"Good morn'in to ya, dear Elinor! And to you, bear master," announced Meridas beastly-size of a father, sitting in his large feasting chair.

"Magic bender!"

"Lord tamer!"

"And most importantly, the Princess of Dunbroch!" added the triplets as they sat side by side at the royal dinning table. Meridas father and brothers had given her lots of grand names after her experience with magic.

Long story short, Merida, out of selfishness and fear, had come across magic, which turned her mother into a bear, that she thought would only change her mothers mind about a specific law which affected Merida as Princess. In the end, getting her mother back into a human and having her mum home was all Merida wanted, and the law was determined inactive for the time being. Merida had grown much closer to her mother after that.

Merida finished her families list of names for herself, "But above all else, the bestest big sister and the luckiest of daughters." She smiled and took a seat across the table from her brothers. Her brothers pretended to barf at the affection of their beloved sister. Merida sarcastically grimaced at them in return.

"And don't forget. You're the Cause," finished Queen Elinor as she sat straight across from her beefy husband. Meridas father was Sire of the four clans, Royal of Dunbroch, and the Bear King from the story of the demon bear Mor'du and his missing leg. He was one of the biggest and bravest men the clans had known, and the Kings survival from the attack of Mor'du biting off his leg made him a legend. Especially since Fergus, the King name, told the tale so much. It was a hard thing to forget.

The Cause, as what the Queen had called her red headed daughter, was given the title after she had convinced the Clan Lords that the law, which she had been trying to avoid with the magic, was no longer needed and came up with a silution on the spot to help her achieve the affect on the Lords. The new law that was agreed upon by the court was called the Cause; thus giving Merida the special name from her mother.

Merida and her mother were given plates of food not shortly after they had been seated. Scarfing her breakfast down, along with being yelled at by her disapproving mother, Merida began to grow anxious for the day ahead. Today she had decided to make an announcement which no one would be prepared for, for no one thought the day would come. Merida, after two years of people waitig, would decide one of the Clan Lords sons to be the kingdoms future king.

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