Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: There are mentions of alcohol consumption in this chapter.

Their course was set; their journey begun. But could the Escortor lead the Child of the Sun? Would they fly or would they fall? For Will O' the Wisps, in their nature, do call.


With a wide smile, Merida held the door open again. She seemed more confident and excited, almost cocky, this time.

"Actually!" She started, "I could use yer help. Are you interested in a little tour of Scotland?" She twirled a lock of red hair around a finger.

Hiccup gulped. Her behavior had changed so many times within the last couple hours that it unnerved him. He thought that Princesses from the highland were supposed to be calm and kind, always composed. However, Merida was as complex as her hair. He awkwardly scratched the back of his neck.

"I guess it couldn't hurt to get some fresh air," he mumbled.

'Whatever it takes,' he thought.

"Great!" Merida grinned, "First we 'ave ta get past me mum. She becomes disagreeable if I leave before I eat." Her accent thickened as she grew in anticipation.

Hiccup's first response would be to disapprove of her idea of escaping the castle grounds, but she was quite set on getting outside and he half feared that she'd tie him up if he didn't accept her offer. Thus, his second response was to accompany her in case her plan failed or she really did manage to flee the premises.

He sighed.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" he asked, realizing how different it was to be the questioner and not the acknowledger.

From ear to ear, Merida smiled as if she was a child finally allowed to build a fire without parental supervision. Then she started marching proudly down the hallway, expecting Hiccup to follow her course, and adjusted her bow into its normal position on her shoulder.

'She's definitely up to something,' Hiccup thought as he followed behind her.

"First!" Merida said with a spring in her step, "We must get me brothers to make a distraction for us."

He nodded even though he knew she wasn't looking. Distraction plans normally worked for him.

As he was about to add to the plan, she walked up to the wall and knocked a four beat rythem on it with her knuckle, causing him to freeze. He watched in silence as the princess pressed her ear to the wall. As a creaking noise sounded above him, he looked up and dust fell into his eye.

"Blagh!" He grumbled as he tried to wipe the dirt from his eye sockets. Merida giggled.

He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision. When he finally could see again he noticed a single, white face staring back at him. Upside down it was. The red curls cascading below the face didn't help the unsettleness of the surprise either.

"Boo," the face whispered.

"BLAGH!" Hiccup screamed again as he fell backwards in fear. Merida and all three of her younger brothers laughed.

"Got yew!" exclaimed Hamish, pointing at the fallen Cheif.

As Merida helped all her brothers come down from the old ceiling, Hiccup stood and rubbed his bum, groaning in dispair. He imagined just how difficult it would be to raise triplets, especially red headed ones with extra fire in their blood. How their parents got any sleep was a mystery to him.

They had all lined up in front of Merida as she began to explain her plan, instructing, "Now, I know it's dinner time, but Hiccup and I are going for a ride and will be back later. So I need you to tell mother that I request her assistance on which dress to wear for dinner that would impress the Chief." They nodded along with each step.

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