Chapter 21

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A Star amongst people and a Dragon amgonst man may only live a legend as bright as the Sun and as strong as the Mythic's flame.


Confounded, the Chief eagerly begged for an explanation about the announcement, and an answer was gifted to him with prompt emotion by the Princess. Reminding him that, in thirteen days time, she would choose a suitor and be crowned Queen, Merida reassured him that she would agree to the Land and Sea Alliance, requested by the former Chief Haddock II. In support of her promise, she released him from the Scottish tradition of matrimonial union. Dunbroch and Berk would gain the awaited peace treaty, and the Cause would be, once again, Princess Merida, along with whomsoever of the three Clan Lord Heirs she would chose.

"But...why? Why would you break tradition?" Hiccup questioned. By the time Merida had finished giving her proposal, the two had swam back to shore and stood at the water's edge. Hiccup, supported by his dragon friend, frequently adjusted his stance with uneasiness as she spoke.

"Because you have forgiven my offense, I too will return the favor; no strings attached," Merida answered, awkwardly folding her hands behind her back. In reality, she didn't wish to reveal the truth of her reasoning- that he had earned her trust in a single day. She worried that he would think of her decision to be immature, so she blamed it on his grace toward her accident instead.

"I told you, Princess: you did nothing wrong. It's just my leg, I'm not ashamed of it," the Chief countered. He held up his stump as if to display that no harm was done.

"Of course!" she acknowledged, "But like I told the Clan Lords four years passed- 'might our young ones decide for themselves whom they will love'?" Hiccup sat on the black sand, cross-legged, running his fingers through his wet hair.

"To clarify what you're saying: you will not hold me to your ancestry's tradition of marriage to unify our people, who have been enemies for generations, and you will still sign a peace treaty with Berk? All of this, because I didnt mind that you touched my leg?" he listed, wearing a contemplative expression. Then his eyes widened with realization. "I'm sorry! That was said poorly. I meant that I don't care that you kicked me...or not that. Accident or not, the pleasure is all mine. No!" he grumbled, adding, "Oh gods."

Hiccup buried his face in the sand as the Princess snorted.

"More or less, yes," she replied, wringing the water out of her hair. Then in walked Sop with an assortment of linen robes and leather sashes.

"Me gots clean clothes for you!" he sang out as he handed them each a pair of garment and strap. Merida eagerly took hers, stepping away from the men with her back facing them.

Sheepishly, she spoke up, asking them, "If the gentlemen here might refrain from looking this way, so that I may dress, I would be much appreciative."

Hiccup's head shot out of the water, for he had been washing the sand from his face, and immediately, he sat up, facing opposite her directions. Toothless and Sop lined up beside him. And after Merida thanked them and began to undress from her underclothes, an intense silence fell upon the odd group of boys. The tattie-bogle adjusted the latches of his new bib-overalls like an impatient child. Toothless dragged his tail through the warm sand. And the Chief froze in place, staring directly at the ground by his feet.

For an unbeknownst reason to himself, Hiccup was struggling with the fact that an actual princess was changing behind him. His past experience with the female body did not deflect his imagination from flying. However, as the seconds counted, his thoughts drifted back to his late wife and the incomparable beauty that stood before him on his wedding night.  How Astrid's blonde locks touched her hips, how her meek smile graced her lips, and the way her toned figure displayed health and promise- these were the memories dancing in his head when Merida released them from their positions. Then, inwardly, he decided to repay Merida for her promise of peace by excluding any forced marriage, because he understood that they could not marry without true love, such as Astrid and himself did have a time ago.

'Because of the Princess' kindness and bravery, I will offer Berk as the fifth clan under Merida's reign as Queen,' the Chief determined, 'For she has changed my fate.'

When Merida finished picking up all of her weapons, boots, and shawl, her and Sop, who insisted on carrying her wet clothing, retreated down the purple corridor, leaving Toothless and Hiccup alone. With thanks, the Chief was supported again by his friend as he dressed. While he leant against the dragon's side to reattach his prosthetic, he knew the time was practical to relay to the Princess of who the 'Dragon Master' truly was and how he evolved to become him. He also hoped that in return, she might tell him her own story. He imagined her history to be filled with more of those floating, blue lights. Magical.

Toothless yawned. Hiccup copied.

"Agreed, bud. Let's go get some sleep," he mumbled tiredly, petting the dragon's folded wing. Nodding, Toothless followed his friend through the entrance and back to the old man's small abode. The smell of fish was the first to greet them, and Hiccup was offered a dish of boiled, alluminous fish. He noticed the Princess finishing her share with a quiet burp, so he decided to taste-test one for himself. But after swallowing a single, salty fish with more bone than meat, the left over was gifted to Toothless. As the pleased dragon ate the fish, the scales around his mouth began to glow blue. Intrigued, Merida and Leo displayed their glowing tongues too of purple and yellow colors.

Shortly after the duo was given a blanket each, the royals made camp and laid their heads to rest. During their fishy meal time, they had agreed not to acknowledge Hiccup's release from his suitorship, but rather to act out the part of a courtship until Merida would pick another Clan Heir at the end of the two weeks. She had stated that even if she were to pick another suitor, she would still sign the peace treaty; the only difference now was that her and Hiccup knew she would not pick him. No one would know, and the two could be set at rest.

They organized plans to leave the cave and depart for Dunbroch the next day. Unfortunately, the prosthetic tail, which Toothless wore, was unfit to fly after his journey from Berk, so they would be forced to travel by foot. Leo explained to them that they were in Clan Dingwall, and that all the people of the land had assumingly left for the kingdom at the present time. This hindered them from returning by boat. Thus, to go by foot was their disappointing fate.

As Merida fell asleep, she softly smiled to herself, appreciating the ease of settling the peace once again. She'd marry, become Queen of Dunbroch, and end the war between Vikings and Highlanders. The idea of difficulty did she mock while she fell into slumber.

Author's Note:
*Finally! After 21 chapters, the first two days of this story is over. We can now move forward with the story and get to some action, new characters, and romance.
*Hiccup is not a pervert! He was respectfully admiring his late wife, Astrid, while Merida was changing. He also did not associate her with Astrid. Hiccup is a good, honorable man. But do NOT worry! For farther into the story, he starts to admire Merida instead. For what is a Mericcup story without the romantic relationship?
*Happy Yuletide, Snoggletog, or whatever holiday you celebrate in December.

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