Chapter 1

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So this is my first pre apocalyptic Daryl Dixon story! I thought it would be interesting to write because there isn't that many out there!! I hope you guys enjoy it!! xx

Also I'm gonna get into the way Daryl and Merle talk (like the accents) through their dialogue so you can get a better feel for their accents :P


Daryl Dixon wasn't the nicest person around. Well he could be though, but he always tried not to show it. He was a Dixon after all and he didn't want people to think he was 'soft.' If that started spreading around Merle would most likely kick his teeth in.

Everyone in their small town knew everyone's business so it wasn't hard for the Dixons to get a name for themselves, a bad one at that. With Merle constantly in and out of jail and their old man in prison, everybody thought the Dixons were nothing but trouble.

It was another hot day in the suburbs of Macon, Georgia. The Georgia heat made you instantly sweat when you stepped foot outside. Daryl was driving in his old Ford blue pickup to the local gas station to get another pack of cigarettes and a six pack for Merle.

They didn't have a lot of money. Hell, they hunted for their food all the time and sometimes that was even difficult. Daryl's truck barely ran most of the time and always made this weird clunking noise that he was still trying to figure out what it was.

Merle on the other hand drove a motorcycle that he had fixed up from scrap metal himself. Both Dixons were very handy when it came to cars and definitely knew their way around them.

Daryl pulled into the gas station only noticing that a few other cars were there. One he knew as the owners of the gas station, the couple others were locals, but he noticed one that he had never seen before. He cocked his head seeing the hood of it up. He shook his head and walked into the store.

Inside he saw the old man sitting behind the counter looking like he could fall asleep at any minute. Daryl gave him a slight nod before going to get what he had come for. He grabbed a six pack of the cheapest beer for Merle before making his way to the counter asking for his smokes.

"Damn shame," the store owner said while looking over Daryl's shoulder. Daryl's eyebrows furrowed together as he now saw a pair of tan long legs in blue jean shorts leaning into the car. Daryl looked back at the shop owner and cocked an eyebrow.

"Who is that? Ne'er seen 'er b'fore," Daryl asked. The shop owner shrugged. "Don't know. Her car broke down. I asked if she needed help but she just shook her head no," Daryl turned back around to see one of the pigheaded men making his way towards her.

He watched as the man tried to put on southern charm but could see he was just trying to cop a feel and get in her pants. It wasn't like a pretty girl to just come rolling into town everyday around here. Wait, pretty? What the hell was he talking about right now?

Daryl scoffed as he watched the girl shove the other man back and then the man turned and stomped back to his truck peeling out of the parking lot. The shop owner handed Daryl his bags and shook his head slightly chuckling about the situation.

Daryl walked out the door and was choosing to ignore the girl and just leave until he heard an aggravated scream and then some thumps. "This stupid piece of shit car!" the girl screamed while kicking the tire with each word. Daryl threw the bags in the back of the truck and slowly walked over to her.

"Woman, wha' the hell has tha' car done te ye?" Daryl heard himself asking. The girl turned around and glared at him. "If you're just another pig trying to get a piece of me I'm gonna tell you what I told the other three. Back the fuck off," she growled while throwing her rag on the ground.

My Damaged Savior (A Daryl Dixon Love Story) [Pre apocalyptic] Wattys 2019Where stories live. Discover now