Chapter #8

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Sam’s POV

It wasn’t the water flowing around my feet that woke me, or the sound of footsteps frantically running down the plane. Or even the splintering headache that now creeped into my temples.

What woke me was the fact that I wanted to see if I wasn’t the only one alive. I hated being the last one left. Even when I was young and  I happened to be the last person in the queue for something. Or the last one to get the new “craze” item.

When I had managed to open my eyes due to the sunlight beaming through the window, my instinct was to get off and find help. But I couldn’t do that. There are people on this plane who needed me.

Haley for example, or even Niall Horan...

I scratched that last thought out and focused on what I should do. It was a miracle I survived the plane crash, someone up there must like me.

A lot.

Trying to get over the pain in my head, I looked to my right where Haley lay unconscious in the seat. I tried to get her to wake up.

“Haley!” I yelled in her ear. That seemed to get her attention

“mmmhph, Sam leave me alone, give me five more minutes..” she mumbled, attempting to roll over onto her side, but failing.

“Haley, wake up.” I said to her in a stern voice, “Or else...” I added at the end. That worked as moments later she was sat upright clutching her arm. She rubbed her eyes for a few seconds then turned to look at her surroundings, panic forming in her eyes.

“Sam.......where the hell are we, and wha--”

She stopped in mid-sentence, forming something in her mind, or at least trying to figure it all out for herself.

“Oh shit.” She mumbled, her eyes now like a rabbit caught in headlights.

“Yeah, that's what  I thought as well”


Niall’s POV

I stared I shock at the body before me, no, not body. Harry, I stared at Harry. He looked like he had landed flat on his face while running up the plane or something. He must have fallen when we crashed.

But why was he here?

What did he need to tell me that was so important it couldn’t wait till or got back?, or something he could have texted me?

I do wonder about him sometimes.

But now all I had to worry about was his wellbeing.

I lightly slapped the side of his face to see if he responded.

No response.

I tried again, this time harder.

No response.

“Shucks, Harry. Wake up.” I cursed under my breath.

I was interrupted by two older girls running down the plane, I tried to make out what they were saying.

“Sam, I have to get off this plane! I hate water ugh!” The girl with the light brown hair looked like she was panicking, and I don’t blame her either. Who wouldn’t freak out if they woke up and their plane had crashed into the ocean?

The brown haired girl kept running and seemed oblivious to me and Harry on the floor, she ran right past us and was now attempting to open the cabin door.

“Haley!, don’t do that! All the water will come in!” I turned around to see the other girl shouting to ‘Haley’.

She was very pretty, I gazed at her for quite some while, and I didn’t notice Harry waking up below me.

“mmmp, Niall, Niall..” He stopped when he saw me above him.

Without thinking, I let all my anger out on Harry, why he had gotten himself into this mess, and why the heck did he have to disturb my journey.

When I had finished, Harry just looked up at me blankly. I saw the hurt in his eyes and I mentally face palmed myself. I didn’t have to be that harsh on him did I?

But it was the only way he would know.

“Uhm, are you Niall Horan”

I heard a voice above me, I looked up to See the very girl I was staring at. At first I thought it would just be a little girl wanting an autograph or something.

Thats what I’m used to now.

I don’t think I’ll ever get any privacy again.

“Yeah, sorry am I blocking your way, we’ll move” I mumbled. Trying to be polite.

But she didnt move, she just simply stared at me, a grin making its way onto her face, its as if she was amused my me.

“Don’t move, I was wondering if I could help you? Well, If me and my friend Haley could help you in any way. We’re practically all in the same boat...well....plane.”

The grin never left her face the whole time she was talking.

She then held her hand out to me to shake it.

“Samantha Rose Young, nice to finally meet you Niall Horan”

I shook her hand, “Nice to meet you too.”

A smile crept onto my face as she shook my hand. I watched as Sam ran off to find make sure her friend hadn’t gotten into any trouble.

“Horan, are you blushing?”

Harry inturrupted my daydream, and I turned towards him.


“Yes you are! See, you’re as red as tomato!”

I smacked Harry on the upside of the head, maybe this crash had a reason, maybe it was trying to show me something, open my eyes to the world around me.

Not everyone I meet is an outrageous, crazy fan-girl, or a downright hater.


Hey guys! Hope you liked this chapter haha, personally this took me 2 hours to write...I don't have a clue why. I'm a slow writer. Have you noticed that...?

I was actually all over that place writing thing.....wowza

Well I have some news, I was planning to update again on Wednesday since im now on my summer holidays for 7 weeks.

However my dad decided it would be a great time to take a spontaneous adventure and go camping in Scotland for a week. There won't be any wi-fi :( But we have a power hook-up so I can plug my laptop into that and hopefully write some more chapters for you guys! But I won't be able to post them until I get back.

We are having a Harry Potter marathon......watching one every night. Please can Aaron Tveit just come and take me away on a unicorn or something I don't know...

Song Of The Chapter : Met This Girl By McFly


- Tomlinblue

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