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It had been weeks since Louis last saw Harry, the only thing on his mind now was the kiss they both shared. He had tried to come up and talk to him, but every time he did the French boy would just walk away quickly without a word. Louis was shocked, he thought he would be the one ignoring Harry because he knows what they did was really wrong — but here he was, trying to speak to him.

Louis huffs loudly as he clasps his phone in his hand and searched for Harry's contact, typing out a message which he hopes the boy will respond to. He winces when he looks at their previous conversation, but it's mostly just him texting hi without a reply back. Harry, you can't keep avoiding me is what he sent, biting his lower lip while he waits with hope.

Just like he expected; nothing. A loud sigh fills the room as it comes out of his mouth, carelessly throwing his phone down on his bed and laying down so he can look up at the ceiling above him. Should he just come up to him tomorrow and talk to him in person? It's not likely that Harry would have the guts to avoid him when Louis would be right in front of him.

The scary part about all of this is . . . Louis didn't even regret anything. Even though he knew it was totally and completely wrong, he just couldn't get himself to regret it. Liam had cheated on him about two times, but that didn't mean he was the better man here — no, if anything he was just as fault as Liam. Also, to top this all off with a cherry on top, he didn't plan on telling his boyfriend about the mishap.

"What the fuck," he groans to himself, hands covering his face as his fingers rub his temples. He blindly searches for his phone on he bed and makes a loud noise in his throat when he feels the smooth screen. Louis practically almost throws the device across the room when he sees that Harry has left him on read. "Fucking shit!" Louis exclaims, tired of the fact that the cute French boy is being so stubborn.

There's a brief knock on the door before it opens and shows his mother standing there with her arms crossed. "Louis, could you not yell such profanity with your sisters in the next room? I would rather not have them learn all of those words." she tells him calmly, a blank stare set on her face as she briefly looks around her sons room.

"Mum, Lottie and Fizzy are teenagers — we practically know every curse word there is." he shrugs in response, lips twitching slightly when his mother gasps. Jay would always be picky on the words she considered bad. Like one time, she put Louis on time out because he yelled out shut up to the neighbors noisy dog.

"That still doesn't give you a reason for you to be yelling it out every five seconds." she shakes her head and rolls her eyes, placing a hand on her hip. "Whatever, I will be out in the kitchen making dinner if you need me or if you possibly want to help." Jay informs him before turning around briskly and walking out the door, making sure to shut it behind her because her son hates it when she leaves it slightly open.

The rest of the night, Louis tries to think of ways he could talk to Harry tomorrow.


He arrives at school the next morning, tired eyes lazily searching through the busy halls in hopes to find the curly haired French boy. Louis was extremely frustrated when five minutes passed and no sign of Harry was present. Was it possible that he skipped school just to avoid Louis? Just as the discouraged blue eyed boy was about to give up and walk to his class, brown curls flashed before his eyes.

There Harry was, at his locker and trying to get all of his books out for his first class hurriedly as he bites his lower lip. Louis leaned against his cold locker and just observed the boy for a while, his eyes unconsciously raking up and down. When Louis looked back up at Harry's face, bright green eyes were already staring back at him in hesitation.

Louis opened his mouth to say something, but immediately shut it when Harry shook his head and ran the other way, books held tightly against his chest Louis thought they were going to suffocate him. "Harry!" he decided to call out, tugging at his hair when the only eyes that flickered over to him were of the confused students standing around.

The bell suddenly rings, causing Louis to get knocked out of his thoughts. After class . . . after class I will find him and I will talk to him, he thinks to himself before making his way to his first period.


It wasn't that hard finding Harry in between classes — the poor boy was still having trouble finding them. Louis had spotted him in the main hallway at first before the green eyed boy made his way into the men's bathroom, oblivious of the fact that his crush was staring at him intently with his eyebrows scrunched and jawline set.

Louis followed quietly behind him, making sure to catch the door at the last second so he didn't have to make any noises when he came in. The smaller boy crosses his arms and speaks out, "Harry," just as he was going to walk in one of the stalls, making Harry stop abruptly in his tracks. "Harry, turn around, please." Louis pleads softly.

Harry finally turns around after a couple moments of silence, a sad look set on his features as he looks at Louis. "Bonjour, Louis." is all he says, hands coming together so he can fiddle with his long fingers nervously. Louis' heart melts at that - as stupid as it sounds - it's just . . . not hearing from Harry for a while can make one person very emotional.

Louis places on a shaky smile, cautiously taking a step closer towards Harry. "Bonjour, Harry, why have you been ignoring me?" he asks timidly, afraid that any moment the boy will step around him and walk out of the bathroom without another word. Once he's close enough, he reaches out a quivering hand and brushes his fingers softly against the boys cheek, letting out a large breath when Harry closes his eyes at the touch.

"I-I no wanted you to be mad at I."

Louis laughs at that, the crinkles by his eyes appearing. He didn't care that they were both already late for their next class, he just wanted to talk to Harry. "Love, I could never be mad at you. Look, I know what we did was wrong and you're probably blaming this all on yourself, but its not your fault." Harry tilts his head, a confused look on his face because he barely understood.

"You - you not mad?" Harry inquires shakily, chewing at his red bottom lip and Louis' eyes follow the action. The boy practically beams when Louis shakes his head slowly, a wide smile on his lips as he wraps his large arms around the smaller frame. "Thank, Louis! I very happy you not mad." he cries out and nuzzles his face in the blue eyed boy's neck.

And yeah, Louis was sure he didn't regret anything.

NOTE: hey guys, sorry for the wait — i was just veryyyy tired!

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