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It was lunch time at school, all three boys sitting at a circular table and Louis was happily munching on his homemade sandwich. Liam wasn't doing much, still cautious about the whole fight the other day, so he sat quietly on his phone with a bored expression on his face. Now Harry on the other hand was unconsciously picking at his food while he stared at the blue eyed boy next to him, a slight smile set on his features.

Louis suddenly looks over at Harry and gives him a confused smile, sandwich on his paper plate. The green eyed boy soon realizes that Louis has caught him, shaking his head and awkwardly blushing. "Why were you staring at me, Harry?" The older boy asks, suddenly getting Liam's attention who turns off his phone and stuffs it in his back pocket.

"Nothing, sorry." Harry replies quickly, looking away while he scratches the back of his neck. I'm staring at you because you are the most beautiful thing on this earth, but I can't tell you this right now or else i'll be beaten by your cheating boyfriend. "I — I need help for English more?" He tries to say, a sheepish smile on his face and Liam rolls his eyes at this boys stupidity.

"Yeah . . . yeah, sure I'll help you some more —" Louis pauses himself, remembering what happened last time he tried to teach some simple English. He inhales a sharp breath and bites his bottom lip, avoiding eye contact with his curious boyfriend. "who's place, then? If it's the weekdays then we'll 'ave to do it at your place — weekends can be done at my house, if you'd like." Louis explains, biting back a grin when Harry only blinks at his words.

"Your home," Liam blurts out, earning a weird glance from the green eyed boy. "I mean, I would like to hang out with you guys when you do all of this. Besides, I know a fair amount of French that'll be a large advantage so he can learn our language much quicker," he repeats the words in his head, hoping that the things he made up made sense. Truth is, he was scared Harry would make a move. "Yeah."

Louis glanced at Harry who was already staring at him with pleading eyes, probably hoping he would decline the offer but he just couldn't. "Yes, of course." He says, shrugging and acting like it didn't bother him when it actually did. Did Liam not trust him alone with Harry or something — wait, what a stupid thing to think considering they snogged last time they were alone.

Liam's shoulders relax at his words and he feels at ease, shooting Harry a sly smirk before his face goes blank. It was all like some type of game the both of them were playing, trying to see who Louis would side with and whatnot. Trying to see who Louis would choose. He would choose me, right? After all I am his boyfriend . . . and better looking, Liam thinks to himself.


After lunch Liam caught up to Louis who was quickly walking down the halls, gasping for breath as he places his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder. Louis turns around swiftly with eyes narrowed but they soon become wide when he sees Liam, biting his lower lip and crossing his arms. "Yes, Liam?" he inquires quietly, looking around the hallway and silently judging students.

"I just — you're not still mad at me about the whole fight we had the other day, yeah? I mean, you have to be over it by now." Louis inhales a sharp breath at that, pressing his lips together and taking a step forward so he was closer to Liam. He looks up and sees the face that he hadn't been longing to see — as mean as it sounds — staring back at him.

"I don't know, Liam. Are you still not over the fact that I actually enjoy spending time with Harry?" He challenges the other lad, cocking his head to the side and the corner of his lip twitches when Liam's mouth just falls open, not knowing what to say. "I guess that answers your question, then . . . remember, I told you to text me when you get your shit sorted out."

Before Liam can even open his mouth in attempt to say something, Louis turns the other way and starts striding towards his locker, happy that it's the end of the day so he didn't have to face the brown eyed boy anymore. Once he's got all of his books stuffed in his backpack, he starts walking towards the main entrance of the school, humming some random tune to himself.


The blue eyed boy rolls his eyes and turns around, expecting it to be Liam but when a certain curly haired boy crashes into him, he knows it's not. "Are you okay?" he asks and Harry only laughs in return, taking a couple steps back and fixing the straps of his backpack as he looks up at Louis from underneath his lashes. Kitten, he is an absolute kitten.

"I fine, a-are you okay?" he asks sheepishly, continuing to walk with Louis down the halls.  He briefly saw Louis and Liam talking in the hallway while he was standing by his locker, clearly seeing the faces of anger and surprise from the two even though it was just a glance. Harry sometimes wondered if the couple were even happy in the relationship, but it wasn't any of his business so he didn't ask.

"What do you mean? Harry, you must weigh like, five pounds because when you ran into me it didn't even hurt." Louis laughs to himself, the crinkles by his eyes popping up and Harry can't help but stare in awe. How was this guy even real? The French boy laughs in return, somewhat understanding what he said.

Harry shakes his head and another giggle escapes his lips, the both of them now walking out the main doors of the school and into the warm air. "No, I see you 'nd Liam talking. You was mad." he explains slowly, nodding along to his words. Since he didn't have his fedora today the wind would be able to ruin his hair, so he puts his hood up in hopes to protect his precious locks.

Louis seems surprised by the question, mouth agape for a while. "No, you know, we were just talking about, ehm, what happened the other day and . . . he just really didn't seem to care about how I felt about the whole situation — said I should be over it by now." his bottom lip sticks out, almost as if he was pouting but he wasn't. Harry's eyes follow the action, licking his own meanwhile.

"Oui, I get it." Harry nods and looks around for a while before turning back to the blue eyed boy with a sigh. "I need to go, au revoir Louis!" he pipes up cheerily and before he knows it, he's leaning in and placing a chaste kiss on Louis' cheek. He blushes when he realizes what he's done, quickly walking away so Louis won't yell at him for doing it in public.

But the only thing Louis does is hold his cheek while he watches the beautiful French boy walk away.

NOTE: i'm so tired :/ *snores*

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