Three's Not A Crowd (2)

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You guys have no crazy it was to see my reads jump from 1 to 1k in less than a week.

Thank you to my one voter and commenter on the last chapter, I want to know any feedback I can get from you!


"You-you want me to join you?" I ask, still shocked and surprised over the fact. Kait has Justin, and Justin has Kait but they still want me to join them?

"Why wouldn't we want you?" Justin asks, standing up for the first time and moving over to the two of us. "The three musketeers wouldn't be complete with only the two of us."

"It's been the hardest time of my life, trying to keep this away from you until you were ready." Kait adds, rubbing her hand up and down the side of my arm a few times.

"And now I'm ready?" I ask, and Justin chuckles at me.

"That's up to you, little one." Justin slowly moves to my other side, pecking my forehead. "If you're not ready, we can wait for you to be ready."

"What if you end up not wanting me with you anymore?" I ask, looking at Justin and then Kait.

"Little one-" Justin starts, but Kait cuts him off.

"Not everyone is like that jerk you dated." Kait points directly at the fact she knows I'm referencing.

"Wait what jerk?" Justin asks, crossing his arms. I smile at his antics, he's always so protective and it leaves a fuzzy feeling in my chest.

"Some random when Elle and I went to Calabasas for spring break." Kait dismisses the topic, and turns to me. "We won't ever get tired of you, simply because we can't."

"Promise?" I ask, hating how vunerable I sound. Justin softens, kissing the side of my neck. I arch it, giving him more room to work whatever magic he wants to.

"I promise." Justin murmurs into my skin. Kait smiles, before pressing her lips to mine.

Her hand moves down from my left arm and down to rub against my clït, causing me to lean against Justin.

"So are you ready?" Justin murmurs against my neck. I pull away from Kait long enough to look at them both in the eyes.


**i thought about ending it there lol but I'm not that mean**

Justin looks ravenous as he picks me up. Kait laughs as she follows close behind.

"Are you a virgin?" Justin asks so casually as if he's talking about the weather.

I can't even speak at this point, so I just nod.

He pulls down my shorts, and then attacks my pùssy.

Kait kisses me again as I writhe under Justin's ministrations. She then helps me take off my sweatshirt and sports bra, before pulling one of my breàsts into her mouth. I tweak one of her nípples, making her break off my bōobs to let out a moan similar to when she and Justin were fùcking.

Justin's mouth is suddenly gone, and then I feel his còck probe against the entrance of my womb. I'm too gone to care about the pain, as he slowly pushes in. Kait distracts me by kissing me, rubbing my nub and nípples.

Once he's fully seated, I let out the largest moan I think I ever have. Kait lets out a small giggle before sitting off to the side and letting us have our first experience together.

His thrusts start out small and not very deep, like he doesn't want to hurt me. I put an end to that, moving my hips to take in more and more of him. He seems to get the message because soon he's pounding into me and I can't stop the moans erupting from my mouth.

All of a sudden a familiar pressure builds up in my belly. I welcome the incoming pleasure, as I wrap my arms and legs around Justin's body, keeping him close as I explode around his còck.

Justin keeps thrusting, and then all of a sudden his thrusts get sloppy as he starts jerking, nearing his own release. I bite gently on his shoulder, and he shudders, finally letting go to the pleasure. I keep him firmly implanted in me, feeling every warm burst.

"That was fun." Kait comments from her place on the bed. Justin and I laugh, letting go of each other to go fulfill her silent requests.

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