My Best Friend (2)

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The way home was quiet, I kept tracing my baby's face while Nic drove back. I was so engrossed in the picture that I didn't notice Nic's giant smile or how he kept looking over at me.

When we pulled up to the house, I was glad that it was Nic's day off because then he could spend it with me and I could pretend like we are a couple. A couple having a baby.

Again, I wish for the millionth time that this baby was a product of Nic and my love. He will always be loved by the two of us, but it's different because Nic doesn't love me like I have loved him for almost the entirety of our friendship.

Entering the house, I make a beeline for the couch. Snick just looks at me from her place by the fireplace, but doesn't move. I don't blame her.

I can hear Nic closing the garage and hanging up his keys before he enters and lays on the couch next to me. I turn to face him faster than he was expecting, and my lips crashed into his chin. I blushed bright red, but after only a moment's hesitation, I moved them up to his lips instead. I'm surprised when he immediately responds, as if he's been waiting for this moment for years.

He cups my jaw as if I'm made of glass, and then he reluctantly pulls away after a moment. He's got that awestruck look in his eye again, and I sit up quickly. That seems to snap him out of it, and he sits up almost as fast as I did.

"Before you say anything, I just want you to know I'm in love with you and that little baby in your stomach." Nic starts, searching my eyes for a sign that I feel the same. My jaw drops open in shock.

"Shut up." Is all that comes out of my mouth, disbelief coloring my tone. He visibly shrinks away from me, and I see a little moisture accruing in the corners of his eyes before he turns away from me. I finally gather myself only as he's making his way to the door. "Jesus, Nic, you didn't let me finish! You didn't even let my pregnancy brain catch up."

"What, are you going to crush my feelings even further into the dust?" He wipes at his one eye without caring that I can now see him crying.

"If you would just listen to me-" I try again but he cuts me off.

"I get it! You only want to be friends and nothing more. I'll hold my feelings back from now on, you don't have to worry." Nic turns to leave again, and I let out a frustrated sigh.

"Nic!" I yell, following him out to the garage. He presses the garage opener and I press it once, to close it again. I don't notice, but I make it stop halfway open.

"Just let me leave, I can't be around you right now. I don't need to hear you rejecting me, I get it alright! I'm not good enough for you. I've been well aware of that the entire time we've been friends." Nic opens the door to his SUV but doesn't move to get in. "I tried becoming better, but there's only so good you can be, being a handyman. And you're a fucking businesswoman, I knew better than to get my hopes up-" I cut him off this time, walking down over by him.

"That's what you think of me?" I yell, before quieting down. "You think I believe I'm better than you? For f*cks sake, Nic. If there's anyone better than the other here, that's you. You have been so selfless our entire friendship and I'm over here calling you at two in the freaking morning because of fake contractions and broken heaters!" My chest is heaving by the time I finish, and he moves to speak but I don't let him.

"You are the best thing that ever happened to me, well you're tied with baby boy, but I'll be damned if I let you ruin it by not letting me speak my part. I'm not going to do it out here though, because my feet are freezing and baby says he wants me to sit down." I walk into the house and hope that he follows behind me.

I sit at the kitchen table facing away from the door (as I don't have the heart to watch him drive away), and my heart sinks as I don't hear anything. I place my elbows on the table and my shoulders hunch over as I place my head in my hands. How did I fall in love with such a stupid, stubborn man? Sobs take over my frame as I hear the garage door, and I say out loud, "Love sucks, baby boy."

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