My Best Friend (1)

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I woke up in the dead of the night-2 am. I groggily sit up on my bed throwing a glance at the clock on my side table, and the covers fall off. Immediately my skin pricks with goosebumps, and I understand why I'm awake. I turn on the light to see my dog laying underneath a blanket at the foot of my bed. I slip on the closest sweatshirt (one of Nic's that I stole since the beginning of my pregnancy) and some sweatpants over leggings (surprisingly both mine). I put one hand over my expanding belly and slip on my uggs.

Finally warm, I turn to my dog and put him in one of my sweatshirts (he's a Labrador so he can easily fit). He and I walk downstairs to the heater, turning on lights as we go. Once I get downstairs, I mess around with the things I know could be the problem, and none of them work. I bang my hand on the side of the stupid thing, and walk over to grab my phone.

Nic, thank god, is a handyman. He's also ruggedly handsome, but he sees me as his kid sister. So it's not like I really ever had a chance. Anyways, I call him and instantly feel bad about waking him at 2 am for the second time this week-last time because I went into fake extremely early labor.

"Amber, are you okay?" Nic's sleepy but alert voice makes me smile. He was shocked at first when I wanted to go through IVF, but he was right alongside me. Most cravings, backaches and tummy rubs, he was there. Also, his good looks aren't helping my hormones at all right now. If only he didn't see me as a sister, this entire process could be so much easier. But no, my tummy has gotten so big I can't even mastmrbate properly anymore. So I'm left as the horny pregnant woman.

"No, the heat's out and everything I've tried hasn't worked. Do you want to come over here or can Snick and I come over there?" I pet Snick's (Snickerdoodle's) head as I look around.

"I'll come over, don't worry. Turn on the fireplace and I'll be over in just a bit." Nic reminds me, and I nod before getting to work.

"You're the best, Nic." I say, rubbing a hand over my bump as I watch the flames take to the wood and warmth slowly come over my body. Snick and I stretch out on the blanket in front of the fire, and we both doze off. I'm not awake again until I feel Nic carrying me back upstairs to my bed.

"Is everything warm again?" I ask sleepily, and he laughs and nods. He takes off my uggs and puts me under my covers again, his hand brushing against my baby bump like a caress. He pulls the covers up to just under my chin, and then shucks off his jeans and boots before climbing into the other side of the bed.

To me, this is normal. He's done this every time I call him super late and he comes over. Tired driving is no joke-and I'm extremely lucky that he's been safe coming over every time at 2 am. It's also nice to have an extra body in the bed, as my pregnant body either runs super-hot, or cold. It's been more the latter lately.

"I've told you that you're the best, right?" I mumble sleepily, and he chuckles and scoots closer, his breath coming out slowly-as if he's already asleep. I move his top arm to wrap around me, and then I'm able to sleep.

The next morning I wake by myself. With a heave, I'm up and downstairs. Typically Nic makes me something before leaving, but today he's shirtless in my kitchen. My mouth waters as his back muscles flex, and I actually start drooling a little.

"You hungry? I made waffles." Nic offers, pointing to the stack on the warmer. It's like I almost can't control myself when I hug him from the back, my arms wrap around his waist and my belly fully pressed against his back. His back stiffens before relaxing. "This is a nice thank you from my two favorite girls."

"Who says baby will be a girl? I'm still rooting for a boy." I press my face against his back, and Nic laughs.

"Are you still cold, Amber?" Nic worries, turning his body to wrap his large arms around my body.

"Of course I am, I almost always am now." My teeth start chattering and Nic frowns. Placing a hand on my forehead, his forehead wrinkles.

"Amber, you're really hot." Nic worries, but it just makes me laugh.

"Of course I am silly, it's how I got pregnant." I strike a pose, and Nic forces me to sit down before calling my doctor. He ignores me, but at some point I fall asleep in the chair and I wake up in a hospital room with Nic holding my hand.

"Welcome back, Amber!" My doctor says, smiling at me. She knows Nic because he's been there for every appointment. "You gave us quite a scare."

"Is everything alright?" I ask anxiously, trying to sit up. Nic soothes me and helps me lay back down.

"Everything is just fine, it looks like you've caught a virus and are a little dehydrated." She takes a peek at her charts again and then smiles at the two of us. "We can finally scan for the baby's gender, if you'd like."

"Wait, for real? I thought you said we had to wait!" I get excited and place my hand over Nic's and squeeze. He smiles at me and we both watch as the technicians come in with the ultrasound equipment.

The cold gel makes me flinch, as always, and then there my baby is. Nic's hand tightens on my hand as always when he sees the little baby. "Baby is waving at us!" The technician says, and I start crying a little as I wave towards the little screen.

"Hi baby, I'm your mama. I'm always going to protect you, so much so you're probably going to end up hating me." I say, getting a little more tearful.

"She could never hate you." Nic looks at me with love in his eyes, and I smile half-heartedly back at him. If only that love was the same as the one I had for him.

"You two ready for the gender?" My doctor says from behind the technician.

I look over at Nic again and nod. We're both looking at each other when she tells us that the baby is a boy.

"See, I told you!" I laugh as Nic's expression wavers for a second, before a look of wonder covers his face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just in shock. This is becoming really real to me. Amber, you're having a little boy." Nic says, squeezing my hand again.

"So I take it that Nic said it was a girl." My doctor laughs, and Nic's cheeks go red. "Mother's intuition is pretty great. Anyways, we'll print you off some pictures, and you know the drill. Hydrate some more, and just keep healthy. I'll see you in a couple weeks."


Explicit part will come in the next chapter. I'm super excited about this one!!! 

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