10: The Day I fell in love with Keira Rudd

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"The Day I fell in love
with Keira Rudd"

[Day 10]

When I woke up this morning, Keira Rudd was gone and I had no idea where she could've been and when she could've left. A glass of water was placed on my nightstand. Where was she and why would she disappear like that?

"Riley?", my mother's voice calls me and I slowly crawl out of bed before I stroll towards my door. My heart feels like it has been stabbed at least twice this morning. Where is Keira?


"Can you come downstairs for a few minutes?", she asks with sincere voice and I nod quietly. Of course, she can't see my nodding, but she already knows that I am coming downstairs anyways.

"Morning", I mumble when I step into our kitchen and my parents stare at me with a wide smile on their faces. Why are they staring at me like they've won the lottery? Not that we need the money anyway.

"Good morning young man", my father greets me and I stare at him confused. Young man?

"So what do you want to talk about?", I ask, still irritated and my mother pats the seat next to her lightly, signalizing that she wants me to sit down. What on earth is going on?

"Keira Rudd had a little conversation with us before she left thirty minutes ago", my mother starts and I gulp. She talked to my parents? She left only thirty minutes ago? Why didn't she wake me up? What time is it anyway?

"At first, we were surprised when we heard that she spent the night, but now we just wanted to let you know that we're very happy that you found a nice girlfriend like Keira", my mother continues and I feel the heat gathering in my cheeks. Why am I blushing? A girlfriend. Is she my girlfriend? I don't think so.

"Well, uh we-", I begin, but my father interrupts me with his familiar smirk forming on his lips.

"You know you're only sixteen which is still quite young and we don't have anything against you lusting after her, but make sure you use protection. When I remember correctly, we have never really had the talk." All the temperature leaves my face and I'm positive that I look pale. What are they thinking? Why would they assume that we had sexual intercourse?

"No. Wait. Stop!", I stress each word and they stare at me with a confused expression decorating their faces.

"She's not my girlfriend", as soon as these words leave my mouth, my mother gasps ere she places both of her hands in front of her mouth while my father raises his left eyebrow critically.

"She is not even your girlfriend and yet you two-" my mother says shocked and I find myself trying to imagine what Keira could have told them. Why would they think that the two of us had sex? Did Keira give them the idea that we had? But why would she do that anyways? 

Keira Rudd. You are the death of me.

"No Mom. Listen, we didn't have sexual intercourse. We just shared a bed after sneaking out last night", I confess and they look at me with amused grins on their faces. Why am I the only one who doesn't understand what's going on?

"We already know. Keira told us everything about last night", my father admits and it's not until now that they both burst out into laughter. They were just joking? Why would they put me in an awkward position like this? 

Keira, you evil genius.

"Then why?"

"That was your punishment for sneaking out at night", my mother laughs softly ere she gives me an encouraging glance. 

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