13 Questions Part 1

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This is not an update but something else

So Ashley_Victoria tagged me in 13 questions *Gives her Nutella* and I just got the notif today so like its sooooooo late but still.

The rules *Opens Rule book* 

-You gotta tag 13 people (OMIGAWD)

-Yu must answer all the questions that the person who tags you ask, and ask ORIGINAL questions to the people you tag

-You have to answer the question within 7 days (I think I broke it)

-You can't just not tag someone, you have to even if you "Don't do that stuff." (SO WHAT)

-You are allowed to tag back (Tag you're it)


-put this in a book *Grabs microphone.* NOT COMMENT SECTION

No that thats done lets move on. *RUNS TO THE QUESTION BOX*

1. What was the last picture you took?

I think it was for sports at my school with my new friend Chris And no I do not do exercise

2.What is the weirdest prank call you've ever made?

It was me bestie actually I called her on my new phone since she didn't have the number yet so I was like "It's Jake from State farm." and she was like "what would you like Jake from state farm." "Tampons for my wife she ran out and she is on her period. and bestie was like "What the flip!" and she hung up but yeah.

3.What is your perfect pizza?

When someone invents the Nutella pizza and it taste good then I'll have a perfect izza.

4. Do you like Nutella?

Ashley_Victoria is that even a question?

5.If you could wake tomorrow in the body of someone else, who would you pick? What would you do?

Ohmigawd thats soooooo hard. Probs Dylan Dauzat or Christin Collins and I'll do dangerous stuff orrrrr Avi Kaplan and sing some bass notes because I like bass and I'm suprano and hang out with Mitch and Scott and MY MEAT (Kevin), and Kirs.

6. What is the weirdest thing you've heard someone say?

"When I marry an alligator, I'm not gonna invite anybody but my Baby Alive."- My baby cousin

7.If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Simple- DISNEY WORLD (If not Dubai)

8.What is your least know talent?

Well I can play the drum set and some piano.

9.If you knew you had one more week to live what would you do?

Watch anime, go sky diving, go water walking, get a boyfriend, go to a carnival,  buy lots of Nutella, feed the homeless and ask God to forgive me for all my sins oh and update my Wattpad and thanking everybody.

10.  If you could take three things from your house, what would you take?

My phone, a bank card and ummmmm, my Nutella. Wait why would I want to take stuff from my house? I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!!

11. Cats or Dogs?


12. What is your dream job?

Probably a photographer or a youtuber, or a..... yeah I'm done

13. If you could go back in time, or the future what would you do?

I'll go in the future and tell my future self to study.

OMIGASHHH I"M DONE *Wipes invisible sweat and throws away chips wrapper.*

Nex chappy I'll tag and ask okiiiieee

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