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 Tuesday 20th November 2015

Kirstin's POV

"Mitch where are we?" I asked

"Ask Avi." He replied

"Avi where are we?" I asked Avi

"I don't know."

"Scott where are we?"

"I don't know, I'm busy ask Kevin."

I huffed. "Where is he?"

The 3 boys shrugged, I marched up to the bunk beds and looked at  the top. Kevin was asleep I took his phone and looked at the map and it said "San Fransisco, California." I put his phone next to him and took a peak at Sky. She looked at me as soon as I opened the blinds, she stretched out her hands as her bottom lips trembled. 

"Aww whats wrong boo bear." (LOL as soon as I put that, I thought of Larry)

"Bad dream." She said as I as I held her on my hip

"Don't worry, We'll always be there for you." I kissed her forehead

I took her to where all the other 3 stooges were. 

"Awww whats wrong with my baby?" Mitch asked as he was coming to take Sky from me

"No she's my baby!" Avi said as he pushed Mitch to the side

"No!" Mitch pulled him back. They continued there face off so I put Sky on Scott's lap and went to the mini fridge to take her juice cup with orange juice.

She went off Scott's lap and took the cup of juice. Sometime later while we were watching tv,

Mitch's POV

While we were watching tv, I felt a strange silence I think we all felt it as we looked around.

"WHERE'S SKY!!!" Scott screamed, then there was a ratchet search for her, up, down EVERYTHING!!! 

"Found her!!" I yelled as I saw her in the cabinet under the sink. I set her on my hip. We went back to the living 'room' (It's not really a room.) and put her on the mat.

*Some hours later*

"Guys we need to get ready!" Kevin yelled through the bus

I groaned rather loudly, followed by a million more groans and Kevin's laughter 

"Esther wouldn't like this!" He said and walked away. Seconds later I heard feet shuffling so I got up and opened Sky's curtain and took her out of bed.

Sky's POV

Some one set me on their hip and I took a sniff, smells like.....

"Mithcyyyyy." I whined 

"Hey." He chuckled and pulled out some clothing he gave me a quick shower first and dried me and helped me put my undies. he wrapped me in a clean towel an set me on my bunk, he said he was going to be back. Some time later he came back in a new outfit. He dressed me in my purple flower dress, high socks, knee high boots and my black blazer, my beanie and my scarf then we went to the others.



So the tour they're  on is the On My Way Home tour, but they're touring in November. 

Don't ask why, You might or might not understand later.

Oh and If you're wondering when 1D or/and the Collin brothers are coming on, well all I gotta say is PATIENCE. :D

Oh and I might or might not remove some of the tour dates because well I don't all those days and I'm planning a special surprise. 

If there's anything else I'll let you guys and gals know.

Until I finish stalking PTX and Christian Collins.

And I need someone to play Kevin's girlfriend, I have someone to play their makeup artist and someone requested Kevin to have a gf so if you wanna be that, inbox me your full name, description, qualities, hobbies, favorite food, animal etc.

Love you

Kay and Khelly

P.S. Sorry this chappy is so short, I only wrote 618 words and that's not like me. Love you guys thoo!!

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